Upcoming webinar: 2024 FAA Data Challenge Information Session - May 22, 2024, 11 a.m. PDT

Guide: How to Use the Community Section


The following outlines what the Community section is and how it can be utilized.

After clicking on the “Community” tab, the section will display the number of users pre-registered, registered, and following your crowdsourcing project (as well as any combination of the three).

You are able to filter this list by selecting one of the options in either of the drop down menus at the top. The first menu, Group, will allow you to segment your community by various types of users:

The next option, Location, allows you to filter your community by the location they added to their HeroX profile.

Note: competitors may elect not to add a location to their profile, so you may not be able to find all users who live in the region you select.

The last field, Name, is where you can search for a specific user by typing in their name. This is not an auto-fill field so you will need to type in either their full or a portion of their first/last name and then click on the magnifying glass button to find them. 

Once you have narrowed your search results, you can export a CSV file of their usernames, email addresses, location (when available), and when they registered. Simply click on the “Export” button below the Filter drop down menu and the file will be generated for you to download.

You can clear your search parameters by clicking on the blue “x Clear filter” button by whichever drop down and/or text field you have narrowed results by:

Here are the definitions of each segment:

  • Competitors: throughout the project you may have information or words of encouragement you would like to be sent only to your competitors, and not made public on your HeroX page. Segment your community by this group to communicate any deadline reminders, materials, or other relevant items.
  • Followers: some users may not realize that “following” a HeroX page doesn’t mean they have registered for it. You can send a quick message to this group letting them know if they are interested in competing, they will need to click on the orange “Accept” button on your page and follow the necessary steps. Otherwise, you can communicate general updates regarding the project to these users.
  • Submission started: when you are approaching your submission deadline, you will want to check to see how many competitors have started their entry but haven’t submitted it yet. You can send them a reminder message to go back to their entry and ensure it has been finalized so they don’t miss the deadline date.
  • Submission submitted: after the submission deadline has passed, you can send a message to this group thanking them for participating and how you look forward to reviewing their entries. You can also include any reminders for upcoming Timeline milestones (voting stage - when applicable, when judging will be complete, when the winner(s) will be announced, etc.) or other information these users may need.
  • Submission eligible: this filter option is mainly to give an overview to sponsors how many competitors ended up with valid/eligible submissions. However, you may decide to send a message to this group letting them know that their entry has passed an initial review and will be evaluated next by the judging panel.
  • Submission ineligible: if you decide to provide feedback on the competitors’ submissions prior to the deadline, the comment you make on it will be sent via email to each individual. However, you may want to send an additional general reminder to this group that feedback has been made on their entry and they still have a chance to edit/resubmit it before the deadline. Or if you decide not to provide individual feedback but have marked entries as invalid/ineligible, you can send a general message to the group letting them know they should review the submission requirements again and revisit their entry so it fits within the parameters set in the guidelines.
  • Winners: once you have labeled your winners within the View Submissions dashboard, you can message them all at once to let them know their status. If you have only one or two winners, you will likely want to message them directly. If you have several winners (as denoted with the 1st place, 2nd place, etc. options in this menu) you may elect to use this option to make it easier.
  • Judges: following up with your judges is important as you are going through the judging stage. Use this option to remind your judges about the deadline to complete their scoring, or to announce the winners to them at the end of your challenge.