Upcoming webinar: 2024 FAA Data Challenge Information Session - May 22, 2024, 11 a.m. PDT

Guide: How to Use the FAQ section


The FAQ section allows you to add an item to your FAQ, and edit or delete any previously-posted FAQs. Whenever someone asks a question that is relevant to your crowdsourcing project, it should be posted to your FAQ. This will provide context for potential innovators, and your answer will be ready the next time someone asks a similar question. Simply redirect them back to the FAQ on your HeroX page and offer to answer any other questions.

FAQ items are posted to the “FAQ” section on the main page (note: the FAQ tab does not appear on the page until the first item is added). To add a new FAQ item, click the “Add FAQ Item” button. In the new pop-up window that opens, enter the FAQ question, then type the answer in the “Answer” section. When you are ready to post the item, click the “Create” button at the bottom of the pop-up window.

To change the order of the FAQ Items, use the grey arrow button between the red X and blue pencil buttons on the right side of the FAQ Item you want to move, then click and drag that item to the position you want it to be in.