Upcoming webinar: 2024 FAA Data Challenge Information Session - May 22, 2024, 11 a.m. PDT

Guide: Winner Announcement FAQs

Below are some FAQs we have received from previous crowdsourcing sponsors that can help you with your winner announcement preparation and execution:

What do sponsors/companies usually do for a winners' announcement?

  • Most companies or individuals/organizations send out the messages outlined in the Winner Announcement Preparation To Do list and issue a press release with the name(s) of the winner(s) along with the results of their crowdsourcing project (e.g. how many total entries were received, if there were multiple judging phases, how long the competition ran for, what will happen with the winning ideas/solutions).

Do sponsors/companies hold events?

  • Sometimes! They usually plan the winner announcement to coincide with a pre-planned event such as an annual conference or industry gathering. Only one previous crowdsourcing sponsor has hosted a special gathering to only announce the winner. If it's not within your budget to have an event, don't worry! Most sponsors follow the usual process of just announcing it on their crowdsourcing page.

When do they inform the winners? Day of? In advance?

  • If your finalists or winners will need to travel for the announcement, then definitely inform them in advance. Otherwise, most sponsors just wait until the day of to let them know of their winner status.

How do sponsors/companies usually inform their winners? letter? phone call?

  • We've seen sponsors do both! However, most often it is usually by email/award letter.

How do we ensure winners don't say anything before the actual announcement?

  • Sometimes you just need to trust them not to say anything! You can also say that the awarding of their prize is contigent on them not saying anything prior to the winner announcement date.

Other ways you can publicize or celebrate your winner announcement:

  • Post it on your social media accounts
  • Publish a blog or other announcement on your website
  • If a large event is not in your budget, hold a small party locally and conference call the winner(s) or invite them to attend in-person if they don't live too far!