There's About a Month Left!

Do you have a molecule or compound you're planning to submit in Coca-Cola's Sweetener Challenge? It's time to start planning and preparing your entry submission, if so.  There is just a little over a month left before the submission deadline!


What Makes a Successful Sweetener Challenge Entry?

There's a $1M USD prize if you are selected as the winner, but you'll really have to make your case to have a shot at the prize!  The Guidelines page gives you all the info you need to craft your entry, so make sure you thoroughly review the directions there.


Don’t forget:

Here’s some tips and reminders as you work on your entry –

  • To be eligible, the molecule/compound must be novel and not contain, or be derived from, Stevia or Lo Han Guo (Monk Fruit)
  • Don’t taste or consume novel substances or substances that have a toxicity that is unknown.
  • Submissions must be in English.
  • A complete submission contains:
  1. Team or Individual information from registration
  2. Online Submission Form (described on the Guidelines page)
  3. Graphic representation of the chemical structure (described on the Guidelines page)
  4. Test Results for stability in sunlight and in pH (described on the Guidelines page)
  5. Written Summary PDF including responses to all 12 questions (described on the Guidelines page)



Are you thinking of submitting, but have technical questions about the requirements? Post in the comments below.