The Prize Administrators have issued an update to the Buildings UP Prize Phase 3 Rules. This update has sectional updates, all highlighted in green. Please see below for the updates:
Jan. 13, 2025
Note: This modification includes many editorial changes, which are not intended to change the substance of the prize. To focus on the substantive modifications and improve the readability of the documents, these editorial changes have not been included in the table below or in highlights throughout the document. Substantive changes are noted below and highlighted. For a copy of the rules showing all editorial changes in this modification, please email
Table A Example
Corrected math in example associated with Table A to reflect points shown in Table A.
Table C Upgrade Points by Measure
Updated points table to accommodate back-up fuel systems as a strategy for upgrades.
Table D Example
Revised example in Table D to reflect revised points table in Table C.
Section 2.6
Added an option for Scope Change Request prior to Phase 3 submission and moved the information from being within Critical Success Factor 3 to Section 2.6.
Section 3.0
Removed narrative box submission option and added file instructions for uploading narratives and documentation to be consistent with the Phase 2 process.
Section 3.3
Added a cover page item to the Audit Package to identify each team and specific building upgrade associated with Audit Package documentation.
Added file type instructions to send all Audit Package documentation and cover page in one PDF file per upgrade being audited.
Section 3.4.4
Clarified that the minimum requirement stating 80% of upgrades must be made in opportunity buildings applies only to teams in the Opportunity Pathway
Section 3.4.7
Changed the uploaded documentation of promotional and marketing materials from required to optional.
Added a narrative prompt in Critical Success Factor 7 asking teams to describe how their promotional and marketing materials were tailored to the intended audience.
Section 3.4.10
Divided Critical Success Factor 10 minimum requirement (a) into two minimum requirements (a and b). No changes were made to the requirement.
Section 4.6
Added “fossil-fuel back-up systems (maintain existing or install new)” to the list of strategies and technologies teams may include in their upgrades.