
Impact Hub + Energy Tech Nexus - CP4HUC

Our project team is a partnership between Impact Hub Houston and Energy Tech Nexus Houston. Our Cleantech Pilots 4 Houston Underserved Communities (CP4HUC) Project goal is twofold and aligns both our missions by creating demonstration projects that will expedite technology deployment and funding, while benefiting underserved communities by creating an environmental and social Impact. Our long term clean energy project aims to match as many new technologies that need a demonstration pilot with as many underserved communities with specific clean energy and
resilience needs, resulting in an acceleration of clean technology deployment that benefits underserved communities within the context of the Justice40 Initiative. The results of this WIN-WiN strategy, together with our educational programs, will inspire and help develop a local
entrepreneurial workforce in those communities so that the most affected by climate change become empowered to create and deploy their own solutions.