
American-Made Challenges


Community Power Accelerator Prize

Fast-tracks the efforts of solar developers to learn and grow their operations to support multiple, successful community solar projects.

This challenge is closed


This challenge is closed



Community Power AcceleratorTM Prize 

The American-Made Community Power Accelerator Prize is a $10 million prize competition designed to fast-track the efforts of new, emerging, and expanding solar developers and co-developers to learn, participate, and grow their operations to support multiple successful community solar projects

The goal of this prize is to grow a robust ecosystem of community solar project developers that incorporate meaningful benefits into projects across the United States.

Structured to Accelerate Community Solar Investments

This three-phase prize aims to increase the number of community solar projects by providing funding and resources for developers and co-developers throughout the project pre-development process, including: 

  • Tools and resources to connect developers with private sector project financing for community solar projects using a standardized process.
  • Training to understand the full cycle of community solar development, including site acquisition, community relations, customer acquisition, securing financing, costs, and the unique challenges and benefits of a community solar model.
  • Free consulting services to competitors on the steps necessary to get a community solar project financed.
  • Coaching on expanding developers’ solar customer markets to include low- and moderate-income populations, and local workforce development, as well as increase resilience to power outages and household savings to make community solar projects attractive to the widest range of customers possible.  

By the end of the prize, competitors will be ready to engage with the Community Power Accelerator online platform, which provides a place for competitors to shop their credit-ready projects around to verified project developers, investors, and philanthropic organizations.

Informational Webinar

On Feb. 1, 2023, prize administrators held an informational webinar on the Community Power Accelerator Prize. During the webinar, we gave participants an overview of the prize, submission requirements, scoring criteria, and winner selection process. Prize administrators also answered audience questions. 

Stream a recording of the informational webinar to learn more about the Community Power Accelerator Prize.


Community Power Accelerator Prize Phases

Prize Phase


Anticipated Number of Awards

Dollar Amounts 

Phase 1: Ready!

2 Months

Up to 25, 

with an expected range of 15-25

$50,000 per winning competitor 

(total prize pool: $1,250,000)

Phase 2: Set! 

6 months (anticipated)

Up to 25, 

with an expected range of 15-20

$200,000 per winning competitor 

(total prize pool: $5,000,000)

Phase 3: Grow!

6 months (anticipated)

Up to 25, 

with an expected range of 10-20

$150,000 per winning competitor

(total prize pool: $3,750,000)


The Five Meaningful Benefits of Community Solar

One of the key goals of the Community Power Accelerator Prize is to support and grow a robust ecosystem of community solar project developers that incorporate meaningful benefits into projects across the United States. These benefits provided by community solar subscriptions can build consumer trust and ensure that everyone can participate in the clean energy transition. 

The Community Power Accelerator Prize provides funding and resources to empower developers to deploy community solar projects that provide at least two of the following five meaningful benefits to subscribers and their communities:

  • Low- to moderate-income (LMI) household access
  • Greater household savings
  • Resilience and grid benefits
  • Community ownership
  • Workforce development

Powering Change Beyond the Prize

This prize is part of the larger Community Power Accelerator program, an initiative of the U.S. Department of Energy National Community Solar Partnership. It brings together investors, philanthropic organizations, developers, community-based organizations, and technical experts in one online ecosystem to accelerate the deployment of the funds needed to drive the clean energy transition. 

The Community Power Accelerator online platform will create a pipeline of credit-ready community solar projects and connect them with mission-aligned investors and philanthropic organizations to get funding.

The prize supports this initiative by providing funding and resources to stand up or expand community solar project development practices and develop a pipeline of multiple projects for new community solar project developers.


Who Can Compete? 

The Community Power Accelerator Prize is open to U.S. community solar developers, including new developers, co-developers (organizations who are partnering with a project developer), or developers who are expanding their community solar operations. 

The prize encourages organizations who are new to community solar development to apply to this prize, including (but are not limited to): 

  • Multifamily affordable housing providers
  • Community and economic development organizations 
  • Intermediary organizations such as community development financial institutions
  • Community-based organizations that have real estate portfolios and/or are in construction 
  • General contractors with roofing and/or electrical experience  
  • Traditional solar project developers who are looking to expand into the community solar space
  • Other large real estate holders that could be available for solar deployment


Challenge Guidelines

Please review the official rules for the complete application process and instructions for competing.

If you want to receive updates on the prize or have any questions, please subscribe by using the contact feature on the HeroX platform or message us directly at 

The American-Made Community Power Accelerator Prize is a $10 million prize competition designed to fast-track the efforts of new, emerging, and expanding solar developers and co-developers to learn, participate, and grow their operations to support multiple successful community solar projects The American-Made Community Power Accelerator Prize is directed and administered by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office. Learn more.


Challenge Updates

Congratulations Phase 2 Cohort B Winners!

Jan. 16, 2025, 10:34 a.m. PST by NREL Prize Moderator

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office today announced four more Phase 2 winners of the Community Power Accelerator Prize Round 1. Each team will receive $200,000 in cash prizes for their conveyed efforts throughout Phase 2 and will work toward a $150,000 cash prize in Phase 3. 

In the final phase of this competition, teams will begin to fully engage on the Community Power Accelerator platform to secure investment commitments from investors and philanthropic organizations. 

Congratulations to the following teams:

  • Groundswell (Washington, D.C.)
  • Son Solar, Inc. (Mendenhall, MS)
  • Colorado Farm and Food Alliance (Paonia, CO)
  • Cooperativa Hidroelectrica de la Montana (Utuado, PR)

Learn more about the Cohort B teams moving on to Phase 3 in the Teams tab, and find detailed information about their Phase 3 deliverables in the Official Rules

Plus, stay tuned to find out who will be named a Phase 3 winner for Round 1! Winner announcements will occur throughout the following year based on cohort groups. And don’t forget to follow Round 2 and Round 3 of the Community Power Accelerator Prize on HeroX to see which organizations will take home big checks for their innovative solutions and impactful plans to expand solar across the U.S. in the coming years.   

Now Open: Community Power Accelerator Prize Round 3

Sept. 26, 2024, 7:05 a.m. PDT by NREL Prize Moderator

Another round of the $10 million Community Power Accelerator Prize has officially launched and is now open for applications. Round 3 of this three-phase prize is designed to fast-track the efforts of new, emerging, and expanding solar developers and codevelopers to grow multiple successful community-benefiting distributed solar projects.

Round 3 of the prize seeks organizations that have the desire and ambition to develop and finance a portfolio of two or more projects that, in aggregate, total at least 1 MW AC of distributed solar generation. To be eligible, no single portfolio project may exceed 5 MW AC. Distributed solar projects may include but are not limited to:

  • Community solar
  • Behind-the-meter virtual power plants (VPPs)
  • Distributed energy resource (DER) aggregations
  • Microgrids
  • Commercial and industrial (C&I) solar 
  • Multifamily projects.

Can I apply to Round 3 if I’ve applied to other rounds of the prize in the past?

Organizations that have previously won only Round 1 Phase 1 or Round 2 Phase 1 of the Community Power Accelerator Prize are eligible to compete but must include a new portfolio of projects. Organizations that have previously won Round 1 Phase 2 or Round 2 Phase 2 are not eligible to compete in Round 3.

How can I learn more information about the prize?

Follow the prize on HeroX to stay up to date on the latest announcements, and don’t forget to register for one of the two upcoming Round 3 Informational Webinars.

Applicants must upload a Phase 1 submission package by Dec. 17 at 5 p.m. ET to be in the running for a Phase 1 prize and move on to Phase 2. 

Seven Additional Teams Move on to Phase 3

April 17, 2024, 10 a.m. PDT by NREL Prize Moderator

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) today announced seven additional Phase 2 winners of the Community Power Accelerator Prize. Each team received $200,000 based on their submissions and conveyed efforts throughout Phase 2 and will now compete for a $150,000 cash prize in Phase 3. 

In Phase 2, teams completed an instructor-led Learning Lab course, worked alongside technical assistance coaches to refine their Phase 2 project profiles, and created impactful investor pitch decks. Now in Phase 3, competitors will begin to fully engage on the Community Power Accelerator platform to secure investment commitments from investors and philanthropic organizations.

Congratulations to the seven additional teams moving on to Phase 3

  • Bonneville Environmental Foundation (Portland, OR) 

Submission: Sunward: Building Community Energy Together

  • Green Energy Justice Cooperative, Inc (Chicago, IL) 

Submission: Ready! Green Energy Justice Cooperative

  • North End Woodward Community Coalition (Detroit, MI)

Submission: Solar Neighbors-Making the Motor City a Solar City

  • Rare, Inc. (Boston, MA)

Submission: Boston SHINE: solar and workforce development

  • RETI Center(Brooklyn, NY)

Submission: RETI Center Local Power NYC

  • Solar United National (Mount Pleasant, SC)

Submission: Solar United National empowers communities

  • SunShare LLC(New Mexico)

Submission: New Mexico Expansion

Learn more about the 13 teams moving on to Phase 3 in the Teams tab, and find detailed information about their Phase 3 deliverables in the Official Rules. Phase 3 winners will be announced at the end of 2024. 

Congratulations to all winning teams!

Congratulations to the First Six Phase 2 Winning Teams!

Nov. 1, 2023, 10 a.m. PDT by NREL Prize Administrator

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office today announced the six winning teams moving on to Phase 3 of the Community Power Accelerator Prize. Each team received $200,000 based on their submissions and conveyed efforts throughout Phase 2 and will now compete for a $150,000 cash prize.  

Competitors were granted a rolling submission deadline for Phase 2—submit the required materials by Aug. 29 for an opportunity to either advance to Phase 3 or receive direct feedback and re-submit by the second Phase 2 deadline. The remaining 19 teams in Phase 2 have until January 12, 2024, to submit their updated materials.  

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In Phase 2, teams completed an instructor-led Learning Lab course, worked alongside technical assistance coaches to refine their Phase 2 project profiles, and created impactful investor pitch decks. From the first round of Phase 2 submissions, the following teams will advance to the third and final phase:  

  • 548 Energy Solutions (Chicago, IL) 
    Submission: Affordable Power for Chicago
  • ADL Ventures (Chicago, IL) 
    Submission: Condo to the Farm (C2F) 
  • Mana Pacific Inc. (Kihei, HI) 
    Submission: Community Solar for Molokai, HI, and American Samoa 
  • Oregon Clean Power Cooperative (Corvallis, OR) 
    Submission: Out of the Ashes: Southern Oregon Community Solar 
  • Orleans Parish School Board (New Orleans, LA) 
    Submission: Solar Investment for a Sustainable School District 
  • Sovereign Resiliency Partners, LLC (Masphee, MA) 
    Submission: Community Solar for Native American Reservations 

Read more about the six teams moving on to Phase 3.  

Throughout the next phase, competitors will begin to fully engage on the Community Power Accelerator platform to secure investment commitments from investors and philanthropic organizations. For more information on the Community Power Accelerator Prize Phase 3, please review the Official Rules. 

We can’t wait to see what these competitors do next!  

Community Power Accelerator Round 2 Now Open

Aug. 14, 2023, 1:55 p.m. PDT by NREL Prize Administrator

Learn more and sign-up for Community Power Accelerator Round 2:

The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Community Solar Partnership (NCSP) announced the second round of the American-Made Community Power Accelerator Prize. This $10 million prize competition is designed to fast-track the efforts of new, emerging, and expanding solar developers, co-developers, community organizations, local governments, and Tribal organizations to learn, participate, and grow their operations to support multiple successful community solar projects. 

Competitors will participate in three phases of competition—Ready!, Set!, and Grow!—with up to 25 winners selected in each round. Individually, each competitor can win up to $400,000 over the course of the prize. 

Community solar is a form of solar energy generation that allows all community members to access the meaningful benefits of renewable energy, particularly those with low-to-moderate incomes, renters, and those for whom traditional rooftop solar is unavailable.    

The prize is a critical component of the Community Power Accelerator, a network of developers, investors, philanthropists, and community-based organizations that works together to ensure community solar projects are adequately financed and deployed.  

These cash prizes will enable mission-aligned developers and other groups to expand their staff and operations, and to design and deploy multiple community solar projects that use replicable business models. These projects and models will expand community solar and drive new capital to community solar across the country. 

In addition to earning cash prizes, winners will participate in a learning lab, and obtain technical assistance to further scope out their project portfolios to get them ready for financing. Through this process, the teams will develop skills critical to deploying hundreds of megawatts of community solar, which support NCSP’s goal of 20 gigawatts by 2025.  

The deadline to apply for the Ready! contest is October 4, 2023.  

Register for the next informational webinar on September 19 at 3 p.m. ET to hear more about the prize program.  

Phase 1 Winners
Phase 1 Winner
Phase 2 Winner - Cohort A
Phase 2 Winner - Cohort B
The Black Table Innovative Energy Solutions The Black Table Innovative Energy Solutions
1 team member
Looking for members
Betsy Stratton's team Betsy Stratton's team
1 team member
Looking for members
Derrick Chapman's team Derrick Chapman's team
3 team members
Looking for members
Nick Francis's team Nick Francis's team
1 team member
Looking for members
Community Solar Gardens Community Solar Gardens
1 team member
Looking for members
Climatize Earth Securities LLC Climatize Earth Securities LLC
1 team member
Looking for members
Ryan Morton's team Ryan Morton's team
1 team member
Looking for members
Impact Renewable Partners Impact Renewable Partners
2 team members
Looking for members
Cooperativa de Energia La Margarita 's team Cooperativa de Energia La Margarita 's team
2 team members
Looking for members
Naomi Davis's team Naomi Davis's team
1 team member
Looking for members
Coleen Fuerst's team Coleen Fuerst's team
1 team member
Looking for members
Son Solar Mississippi Son Solar Mississippi
6 team members
Looking for members
Creating Green Power 4 All Creating Green Power 4 All
3 team members
Looking for members
GoSolarMargate GoSolarMargate
1 team member
Looking for members
People's Solar Energy Fund People's Solar Energy Fund
1 team member
Looking for members
Josh Stolzenburg's team Josh Stolzenburg's team
1 team member
Looking for members
RAMP Solar RAMP Solar
4 team members
Looking for members
SolaRay Farms, Inc. SolaRay Farms, Inc.
3 team members
Looking for members
Alexandro Pedraza's team Alexandro Pedraza's team
1 team member
Looking for members
Unity Renewables Unity Renewables
3 team members
Looking for members
Flare Flare
1 team member
Looking for members
EarthEn EarthEn
2 team members
Looking for members
PUSH Buffalo PUSH Buffalo
2 team members
Looking for members
Midflare Corporation Midflare Corporation
1 team member
Looking for members
Davis Hill Development Davis Hill Development
1 team member
Looking for members
Community Through Colors Community Through Colors
2 team members
Looking for members
Ren-N Investing Ren-N Investing
4 team members
Looking for members
Thomas Jones's team Thomas Jones's team
1 team member
Looking for members
Olympia Community Solar Olympia Community Solar
5 team members
Looking for members
Fidel Gutierrez ochoa's team Fidel Gutierrez ochoa's team
1 team member
Looking for members
Tribal Nations Community Solar Tribal Nations Community Solar
2 team members
Looking for members
UPROSE X Working Power UPROSE X Working Power
1 team member
Looking for members
HBCU CDAC Community Resiliency Team HBCU CDAC Community Resiliency Team
2 team members
Looking for members
Sovereign Resiliency Partners Sovereign Resiliency Partners
2 team members
Looking for members
Green Energy Justice Cooperative (GEJC) Green Energy Justice Cooperative (GEJC)
3 team members
Looking for members
Anti-Gravity Anti-Gravity
4 team members
Looking for members