A  recording of the recent Commercial Direct Air Capture (DAC) Pilot Prize informational webinar, covering eligibility, deadlines, and more for Phase 1, is available now. If you missed this valuable session, stream it now to catch up on any prize details you may have missed.  

The deadline to submit your entry to the DAC Pilot Prize is February 7, 2025. Technology developers that can design, build, commission, and operate innovative and novel DAC pilot facilities capable of capturing at least 500 tonnes of atmospheric carbon dioxide per year are encouraged to start prepping their submissions now for a chance at a share of the $52.5 million in cash prizes. 

All the below submission materials must be uploaded to the DAC Pilot Prize HeroX page before the contest closing date: 

  • Cover Page (Public) 
  • Concept Paper 
  • Complete Pre-FEED Study 
  • Pre-FEED Study Summary (Public)
  • Bench-scale Operating Data 
  • State-Point Data Tables 
  • Environmental Questionnaire 
  • Other Letters of Commitment or Support (optional).

Still have questions? Email , and we will be happy to help. You can also use the public HeroX Forum to ask questions and spark discussions with HeroX community members. All questions from this webinar will be answered on the Forum, as well.