In December 2024, the Office of Electricity hosted its inaugural virtual Demo Day, where Phase 2 competitors of the Digitizing Utilities Prize Round 2 were invited to pitch their innovative progress and gave viewers an inside look at each team’s approach to solving data and cybersecurity challenges for their utility partners.  

The following Phase 2 teams were named winners and awarded cash prizes for their efforts during Demo Day and the final phase of this $2.15 million competition. 


Track 1: Utility Digitization/Data Challenge Winners ($200,000 cash prize and a $75,000 technical voucher to a national laboratory per winner)  

  • Grid Elevated (Salt Lake City, UT) 
  • Team Simple Thread (Richmond, VA) 
  • Enterprise Graph DB Team (Birmingham, AL) 

Track 2: Utility Cybersecurity Challenge Winner ($300,000 per winner)  

  • Fend Incorporated (Arlington, VA) 


The U.S Department of Energy’s Cybersecurity, Energy Security and Emergency Response Office provided funding for the Track 2 winner. 

Congratulations to the Phase 2 winning teams, and thank you to all the teams that participated in the prize. We encourage all Round 2 applicants to follow Round 3 of the Digitizing Utilities Prize on HeroX to learn more about new funding opportunities from the Office of Electricity.