This resource document is the Official Q&A Document of EPIC Round 3, Phase 2 Prize. As this is a prize to cooperative model, this Q&A Process has been designed to ensure competitors all receive the same information. Questions submitted via the Informational Webinar or via e-mail and addressed by the EPIC Prize Team, DOE Contracting, or DOE Legal will be posted on this document. Tab 1 is an instruction tab. Tab 2 is the log of Q&A.
If you have an additional question, not answered in this spreadsheet or other posted prize resource, you can send your question to and we will route it to appropriate offices for response. Please note that any questions related to the cooperative agreement elements (cost share, budget document, federal forms, etc.) will be routed to DOE Legal and Contracting for response, and could take some additional time to address. This Q&A Spreadsheet will be updated regularly with new questions and answers.
Per the Q&A Spreadsheet's "Instruction and Tips" tab, questions should be submitted no later than 3-business days prior to the application due date. Questions submitted after this date will not be addressed. Thank you.