
American-Made Challenges


Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize

Expanding opportunities for accessible, good jobs in clean energy and increasing diversity in the workforce.
Phase 1 - Enter

Challenge Overview

The Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize is designed to encourage coalition-building in communities across the country that focus on creating quality jobs and fostering an equitable and inclusive workforce in clean energy sectors. 

Join the informational webinar on Oct 3 to learn how to apply.


What is a “Good Job”?

A “good job” is a job that:

  1. Provides fair, transparent, and equitable pay that exceeds the local average wage for an industry
  2. Delivers basic benefits (e.g., paid leave, health insurance, retirement/savings plan, access to affordable, reliable, and high-quality child care/long-term care for loved ones, and transportation)
  3. Provides workers with an environment in which to have a collective voice
  4. Helps the employee develop the skills and experiences necessary to advance along a career path
  5. Provides predictable scheduling, and a safe, healthy, and accessible workplace devoid of hostility and harassment
  6. Has employees properly classified with the limited use of independent contractors and temporary workers
  7. Protects workers’ statutory right for a free and fair choice to join a union under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).

Good jobs are provided by management’s rigorous knowledge of these rights and other employment rights that protect against harassment, discrimination, and retaliation and their active attempt to avoid any violations of the NLRA and other labor and employment laws; such as worker intimidation or harassment, or unwarranted delay in negotiations or grievance resolution.
Source: About Community Benefits Plans


A Coalition Competition Structured for Workforce Partnership Success

The Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize encourages building new and newly focused placed-based coalitions to create quality, accessible jobs and training partnerships in their community. Each coalition is required to include, at a minimum, one coalition representative from each of the five key stakeholder groups below:

  1. Labor organizations
  2. Clean energy employers
  3. Community-based organizations
  4. Public agencies
  5. Education and workforce providers

These competing coalitions will develop and implement Coalition Action Plans that improve the quality of and expand access to good jobs in clean energy.

Competitors participate in three prize phases designed to increase the long-term engagement of place-based coalitions to ensure that the clean energy jobs created nationwide are high quality and accessible to target populations. Coalitions must compete and win in Phase One of the prize to qualify to compete in Phase Two and Phase Three of the prize. Qualified coalitions will have the chance to win part of $3,375,000 prize pool to help them develop plans and accelerate the implementation of their solutions.


More than $3 Million in Incentives for Innovation

The three-phase competition catalyzes coalition building to understand, plan, and improve job quality and job access within the clean energy economy for target populations.

The Three Phases

Phase One: Coalition Formation 

Up to 15 winning coalitions / $50,000 cash prize each

Winning coalitions are selected for:

  1. Identifying a clean energy employment opportunity and workforce challenge in a specific sector and target community, and 
  2. Displaying robust partnerships that include at least one organization from each of the five stakeholder types: labor organization, clean energy employer, community-based organization, public agency, and education and workforce provider.

Phase Two: Coalition Action Plan

Up to 10 winning coalitions / $100,000 each

Competing coalitions participate in a virtual U.S. Department of Energy-led training on High Road economic and workforce development strategies for clean energy  and develop a robust Coalition Action Plan to create quality, accessible jobs, and training partnerships.

Phase Three: Implementation and Impact 

Up to 10 winning coalitions. First place: $300,000 / Second place: $250,000 / Third place: $200,000 / Seven runner-up coalitions: $125,000

Competing coalitions implement their Phase Two Coalition Action Plans and participate in community-of-practice activities and quarterly check-ins with prize administrators.



  1. Review the official rules for the complete application process and instructions for competing
  2. Hit 'Follow' at the top of this page to automatically receive email updates on the prize
  3. Review the 'Forum' tab for posted questions and answers. If you have a new question about the prize, please post your question to the Forum and a prize administrator will respond
  4. Join the informational webinar on Oct. 3 at 3 pm ET.


Please review the official rules for the complete application process and instructions for competing.

If you would like to receive updates on the prize, please ‘Follow’ the competition at the top of this HeroX page. If you have questions about the competition, you can email the prize administrators at .

The American-Made Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize is a multimillion-dollar prize competition designed to equip coalitions with tools to ensure that clean energy programs and investments result in good jobs and greater access for target populations. The American-Made Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize is directed and administered by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy 's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). Learn more.



Challenge Updates

Don’t Miss the Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize Informational Webinar on Oct. 3!

Sept. 26, 2024, 7:33 a.m. PDT by NREL Prize Administrator

Interested in learning how to submit an application for the Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize or who to include in your coalition? Register now for the Oct. 3 informational webinar and get all the info!  

Join us to learn more about the competition, eligibility, submission requirements, rules, and more. The Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize will offer $3,375,000 to qualified coalitions to expand opportunities for accessible, good jobs in clean energy and increase diversity in the workforce. 

We highly encourage anyone interested in participating to register in advance and save your spot. 

We hope to see you on Oct. 3 at 3 p.m. ET!

Interested in the Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize? Join Us for an Informational Webinar.

Sept. 18, 2024, 7:31 a.m. PDT by NREL Prize Administrator

If you’re interested in competing in the Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize, please join us for an informational webinar on Oct. 3 at 3 p.m. ET. This introductory session is a great place to learn more about the prize’s competition structure, milestones, prize amounts, entry requirements, rules, and more.  

The Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize is open and accepting submissions! The prize is open to all U.S.-based coalitions interested in developing and implementing plans to improve the quality of and access to clean energy jobs. 

Anyone interested in learning more about competing in the Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize should plan to attend this webinar. Join us on Thursday, Oct. 3, to get your questions answered ahead of the Jan. 31 submission deadline! Register here

Learn How to Compete in the Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize!

Sept. 3, 2024, 6:55 a.m. PDT by NREL Prize Administrator

Welcome to the Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize, a $3,375,000 competition designed for collaborators and community builders interested in forming coalitions and fostering quality job creation and an equitable and inclusive workforce across clean energy sectors.   

If this sounds like you, we want you to join the Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize!  

Interested teams are first asked to build a comprehensive place-based coalition, comprised of at least one representative from each of the following five groups: 

  • Labor organizations 
  • Clean energy employers 
  • Community-based organizations 
  • Public agencies 
  • Education and workforce providers 

Coalitions will then plan and implement economic and workforce development strategies that result in good, accessible jobs and a more diverse and skilled clean energy workforce. 

Through three contests competitors receive increasing financial support and training to gain the knowledge needed to build and sustain robust partnerships and execute action plans aimed at the clean energy sectors and employment opportunities in their communities. 

We’re hosting an informational webinar on Oct. 3 to help teams get on the right track in competing for this unique prize. Plus, we’ll share more details about the timeline, structure, prizes, and eligibility.  

Register here for the informational webinar on Thursday Oct. 3, at 3 p.m. ET 

You can follow this HeroX channel to receive the latest updates on the Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize. This is also the official competition platform where competitors upload submissions, find rules, and ask questions in the public forum.  

We hope to see you bring your ideas, voice, and expertise to the Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize!


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, but it’s quick and easy. Just click the “Solve this Challenge” button on this page and follow the instructions to complete your registration. All you need to provide is your name and email address.

There are benefits to registering as a team or an individual. We want to highlight that every American-Made Challenge has a section in the submission where you will list your team and team members, and we do not review the teams you build using the HeroX team function. Therefore, you can register and submit as a team or an individual, and it does affect the review of your submission. 

To aid your decision, we have created this guide.

Note - if you are competing in a prize with multiple phases, and if different people might submit at different phases for your team, we recommend building a team and submitting that way as you can swap the "captain" for your team, but keep the same team and permissions while just swapping the person who can actually submit the submission. 

If you have a question not answered in the FAQ, we recommend that you post it in the Forum where someone will respond to you. This way, others who may have the same question will be able to see it.

No, if you are a contest winner you are receiving the prize for meeting or exceeding the contest goals. 

The Submission Template is under the resources tab.

Innovation is about making ideas happen. The American-Made Network will accelerate and sustain solar innovation through a diverse and powerful network that includes national laboratories, energy incubators, facilities, and other valuable industry partners from across the U.S. who will engage, connect, mentor, and boost the efforts of competitors.

See who is in the network.

Connectors are the core component of the American-Made Network and are organizations that seek to support the efforts of competitors. Use this link to explore the Network to find potential partners and develop relationships.

Power Connector organizations are a core group of Connectors that will work alongside NREL to implement parts of the program and secure additional resources and partners. Discover who they are and how they will help innovators succeed.


The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is the Prize Administrator for the American-Made Challenges. In this capacity NREL works closely with the U.S. Department of Energy to administer the challenges, maintain the website platform, assist in building the network, and pay prize money to the winning teams.  

All of your files are uploaded as part of the submission form, access this by clicking the Begin Entry button.  The submission form contains an upload option for each of the required file entries.  Only PDF files will be accepted for upload.

If you encounter an issue when attempting to submit an entry to the challenge, you may need to contact HeroX or the Prize Administrator.

You may try to connect with HeroX using the online form which appears in the bottom right corner of your browser window, it says Leave a Message.

You may also send a message to the Prize Administrator inbox at

Please allow at least 1 business day for a response.

All submissions will be reviewed in English.