Rules Modification 1 and Additional Phase 2 & 3 Rules Now Available!

Exciting updates from the LASSO Prize!

The prize has added more than $1.8 million to the prize pool, increasing the total available awards to $10,015,000. These additional prize funds will increase the number of potential winning teams by two for each phase of the Standard Track. 

In addition, a new Inclusive Outreach Bonus Prize, has been added to award up to three teams' plans and efforts to provide accessible, inclusive, and impactful outreach about their projects and field day community events.

The official rules have also been updated to reflect the prize pool additions, modifications to existing rules, and the addition of rules for Phases 2 and 3. 

Major updates include:

  • Provided edits and clarifications throughout the Standard Track and Operating Track Phase 1/Standard Track Phase 2A rules
  • Added that winners of Phase 1 (both Standard Track and Operating Projects Track) will receive no-cost technical assistance from NREL agrivoltaics experts
  • Added rules for Standard Track Phase 2B and Phase 3
  • Added rules for Operating Track Phase 2

All of the updates can be found in the new rules document which has been posted on the Resources tab

Questions about the prize? Please email and/or join our webinar and office hours series to learn more about the ins and outs of the prize and get answers!

Upcoming events include: 

You can view the January 8 LASSO Prize Technical Assistance Webinar #1 (Design) Slides and Recording on the Resources tab.