Office Hours and One-on-One's:
Competitors can access the following Microsoft Bookings links to set up Office Hours with the Power at Sea Prize Team and Third Party Expert.
Technical Office Hours
Schedule a session with our technical experts to get your questions answered around the following topics. (Booking links embedded. Click on topic/description to start booking)
- Oceanography/Ocean Engineering-Group 1 OR Oceanography/Ocean Engineering-Group 2 (You can book using ANY one link based on what works best for your schedule. The offering is same across the two groups)
- Field Operations
- Environmental/Marine Monitoring
- Modeling and Simulation
- Testing & Data Processing
- Design, Prototyping, Lab Testing
- Mechanical Design
Rules and Prize related Office Hours
Schedule a session with our prize admins and prize experts to ask about prize specific questions.(Booking links embedded. Click on topic/description to start booking) You can book using ANY one link based on what works best for your schedule. The offering is same across the two groups.
General Office Hours
Schedule a session to get your general questions spanning across technical and prize related topics answered. These groups include both technical experts and prize experts. You can book using ANY one link based on what works best for your schedule. The offering is same across different groups. (Booking links embedded. Click on topic/description to start booking)
- Office Hours #1 - General (Technical Experts + Prize Team)
- Office Hours #2 - General (Technical Experts + Prize Team)
- Office Hours #3 - General (Technical Experts + Prize Team)
- Office Hours #4 - General (Technical Experts + Prize Team)
- Office Hours #5 - General (Technical Experts + Prize Team)
Third Party Expert-Office Hours
Schedule a session with our Third Party Expert - Jochem Weber for expert level guidance and mentorship especially as you look to identify your next steps in the DEVELOP phase.(Booking links embedded. Click on topic/description to start booking)
Open Seas Customer Discovery and Business Plan Office Hours
Jerry Cronin from Open Seas has the contact information of all the team captains and is emailing teams directly to set these up office hours to help teams in their customer discovery and business plan development. If you have not seen an email from him, please contact and we will connect your team with him.
Past Webinars:
Power at Sea Prize DEVELOP Phase Kickoff Webinar
Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 2 p.m. MT/4 p.m. ET
Kick off webinar for the DEVELOP Phase covering details about the final phase of the prize, information on the support to be provided for competitors, and strategies for developing a successful submission package.
Watch the recording here and access the slides here.
PBE: Power at Sea Prize Overview Webinar
Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 11 a.m. MT/1 p.m. ET
The Powering the Blue Economy™: Power at Sea Prize is seeking to advance marine-powered technologies that could help researchers realize a greater understanding of the world’s oceans.
Through two phases, the prize will provide winners with access to direct support, including training, testing, and new connections with the goal of accelerating the advancement of marine energy concepts into real prototypes. This informational webinar covers the CONCEPT Phase, including:
- Deadlines and eligibility
- CONCEPT Phase rules
- How to put together a strong application
- The challenge areas and blue economy applications to build your technology around
Prize administrators also answered participant questions at the end.
Watch the recording here and access the slides here.
PBE: Power at Sea Prize ASK! Webinar
Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 11 a.m. MT/ 1 p.m. ET
This unique webinar marks the beginning of our webinar series Power at Sea: Ask, Explore, Innovate, Apply and offered competitors the opportunity to engage directly with our experts.
Here’s what was covered:
- Exclusive Insights: Deep dive into the objectives and expectations of the Power at Sea Prize.
- Live Q&A: Our experts will be on hand to answer your questions in real-time.
- Guidance and Support: Learn more about the resources available to help your submission stand out.
Watch the recording here and access the slides here.
PBE: Power at Sea Prize EXPLORE! Webinar
Monday, April 22, 2024 at 12 p.m. MT/2 p.m. ET
This enlightening session introduced the crucial role you can play in advancing sustainable solutions for marine renewable energy. We covered the various types, practical applications, and the challenges facing the field. We also reviewed the basic details of the Power at Sea Prize, including its structure, cash prizes, and important submission reminders.
Whether you’re a stakeholder in marine technologies, a researcher, or simply curious about marine renewable energy, this webinar will equip you with essential information and an opportunity to engage with experts from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Water Power Technologies Office, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Watch the recording here and access the slides here.
OpenSeas Webinar: The Water Power Technology Market Overview
Monday, June 17, 2024 at 1 p.m. MT/3 p.m. ET
There are a broad range of technologies which may be used to create power from the water, but if innovators are interested in creating sustainable, commercially viable solutions, they must understand the markets in addition to the technology. This webinar explores those markets and provides a overview of potential opportunities.
OpenSeas, one of the members of DOE’s Power Connector network is providing a series of webinars, office hours, and 1:1 support to teams and individuals looking to participate in the Power at Sea competition.
OpenSeas Webinar: Proposal Development
Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 1 p.m. MT/3 p.m. ET
Developing technologies takes funding, and unless you are going to self-fund your efforts, you will be seeking funding from various sources. In addition to addressing how to apply for the Power at Sea Challenge, this webinar addresses how to approach the proposal writing process to increase your probability of obtaining funds for your innovation.
PBE: Power at Sea Prize: Innovate! Webinar
Monday, June 24, 2024 at 12 p.m. MT/2 p.m. ET
This unique webinar marks the third of our webinar series Power at Sea: Ask, Explore, Innovate, Apply, and offers competitors the opportunity to engage directly with our experts. Join our experts from the Department of Energy’s Water Power Technologies Office, Pacific Northwest National Lab, and National Renewable Energy Laboratory as we delve into an early-stage marine energy use case. This session will outline the specific challenges, the communities impacted, and the abundant opportunities available for new innovators. We aim to build a diverse community of innovators, welcoming those historically underrepresented in STEM and individuals new to Marine Energy. Don’t miss this chance to bring your ideas to life and compete in the first phase of the prize, CONCEPT, for a part of the $200,000 cash prize.
Watch the recording here and access the slides here.
OpenSeas Webinar: From Idea to Implementation
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. MT/12.30 p.m. ET
Friday, June 28, 2024 at 2 p.m. MT/4p.m. ET
Taking an innovative idea to a successfully sustained enterprise that delivers its value to the world requires two major components that proceed in parallel – the development of technology, and the development of the business opportunity. This webinar will discuss the commercialization process – and how to increase the probability of your success beyond the Power at Sea Challenge.
OpenSeas Webinar: Market Segmentation & Alignment
Monday, July 1, 2024 at 1 p.m. MT/3 p.m. ET
Markets are not monolithic and successful innovators understand how to analyze a market and determine their “beachhead” segment. This webinar will look at how to break down your chosen market area and how to decide which part to go after.
OpenSeas Webinar: Customer Discovery
Monday, July 8, 2024 at 1 p.m. MT/3 p.m. ET
The major reason that start-ups fail is the lack of alignment of their innovation to a real world need that future customers care about. The best way to develop technology and a value proposition that aligns with the market, is to use the power of customer discovery to find out the needs of the market and hone your solution. This webinar will discuss how to use the process of customer discovery to provide a solid base for technical and business opportunity development.
PBE: Power at Sea Prize: Apply! Webinar
Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at 1 p.m. MT/3 p.m. ET
This unique webinar marks the fourth of our webinar series Power at Sea: Ask, Explore, Innovate, Apply and offered competitors the opportunity to engage directly with our experts. Check back for more details.
Watch the recording here and access the slides here.