
GKinetic Energy

GKinetic offer a range of hydrokinetic turbines that instantly generate clean energy from free-flowing water. The GKinetic technology is a first of its kind thanks to its patented ‘bluff body’ concept. More power can be generated
from slow-flowing water which is found in most deployment sites, thus opening up the mass market via a distinct
competitive advantage that cannot be replicated. There is a clear ‘Freedom-To-Operate’ plan with 10 patents
granted worldwide.

Have you ever noticed how water behaves when it flows around a bridge pillar? When faced with an obstacle,
flowing water is condensed and accelerates resulting in higher power available to extract. Competing devices
require a minimum flow speed of 2.5 mps (8.2 ft/s), the GKinetic turbine self-starts in just 0.5 mps (1.5 ft/s) and hits rated capacity at 2 mps (6.6 ft/s). The result is a groundbreaking product for communities and businesses to access clean energy from untapped hydrokinetic resources.

GKinetic come in at the generation stage of the distributed energy value chain as a cleantech solutions provider
specifically for free-flowing water resources (rivers, canals, estuaries and tidal flows). Units can be floating (similar to a boat) or fixed to existing infrastructure such as canal walls, seabed piles or bridge pillars. We are interested in teaming up with a suitable company, university or group for the Power at Sea Prize where our technology can supply the remote, off-grid energy generation requirement. If interested please contact us at info[@]