Share your ideas for creating a more diverse, integrated, circular supply chain! 

Phase 2 of the Re-X Before Recycling Prize is awarding $150,000 per project to help the top teams deepen their insight, refine their plans, and activate their networks. As many as 10 winners will also receive up to $100,000 in analysis from a national laboratory.

As part of decarbonizing the U.S. economy, Re-X focuses on reuse, repair, refurbishment, manufacturing, and repurposing all aspects of the supply chain. The top projects will show strong potential to accomplish several of these goals:

  • Extend product life cycles.
  • Strengthen regional manufacturing supply chains.
  • Increase U.S. supply chain security.
  • Create jobs.
  • Reduce environmental burden.

We encourage submissions from both new competitors and Phase 1 participants. New applicants are strongly encouraged to watch a recording of the informational webinar to learn more about the submission process and explore the Resources tab for further help. You can find the updated rules  here.

Apply by Oct. 22 by 5 pm ET to join us in becoming part of the solutions that shape the circular economy future!

Your team must be a Phase 2 winner to be eligible for Phase 3: Develop!, which will provide up to $500,000 for the long-term execution and implementation of your innovation in a viable Re-X supply chain.