The current market for solar is setup as a full service offering; customers sign a contract and an installer handles every aspect of the install. There are many industries with similar sales structures that were disrupted by allowing customers to perform some of the required activates to lower the cost. There is an opportunity to empower customers to help lower their own costs if a few critical challenges are solved such as simplified assembly, safe electrical connections, easy separation of work.
For example:
IKEA - Furniture- Many people are willing to expend the effort to pick up and assemble furniture themselves.
Uhaul - Moving- Many people are willing to expend the effort to pack all their own items, rent and drive a truck and hire specialist to pack and unload the truck.
Home Depot- Home improvement - Many people are willing to buy tools and perform various levels of improvements on their own using youtube video to learn along the way.
One can imagine a future where someone goes online, finds their address, outlines their roof, gets a system design, and comparisons shops for bundled equipment. They can then purchase the bundle which ships to their house. They can then review a list of qualified installers that will come to their house that will file the permits, perform the install. Maintenance could then be handled by a third party plan that could be purchased.