

Fresnel CSP Collector
short description
A Fresnel CSP collector that can be constructed in a factory and then transported to the location and to be able easy and fast to install.
Full Description
Concentric solar power (CSP) provides the highest efficiency of all solar technologies known today.
Linear fresnel collectors consist of multiple mirror strips, mounted next to each other on an axis. Those mirrors track the sun and focus the sunlight on a pipe (or Pipes) located above the mirrors. A fluid (water, oil or molten salt) runs thru the pipe and absorbs the energy.
Linear fresnel CSP simplifies the construction of solar plants but the collectors are still built on-site, which adds to the cost. Another disadvantage is the maintenance and the cleaning of the collectors. If a collector can be built in a factory in a form of a box. After that it can be delivered to the site and connected in a string.
Also, for rooftop installations, the collector will be able to provide water heating, space heating and air conditioning, thus reducing electrical load.

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