
American-Made Challenges


TCU Energy and Food Sovereignty Nexus Prize

Prize pool of up to $4.1M to Tribal Colleges and Universities for creating projects at the intersection of clean energy and food sovereignty
Informational Webinar


The Energy and Food Sovereignty Nexus Prize encourages Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) to develop student-led demonstration projects that increase their knowledge on clean energy and food sovereignty on TCU campuses. Projects may include but are not limited to:  

  • Greenhouses heated or cooled by geothermal (ground-source) energy 
  • Greenhouses powered by wind or solar
  • Solar arrays that provide shade for crops to grow or livestock to graze. 

TCUs are encouraged to incorporate local traditional crops and/or livestock into their designs, as well as relevant clean energy systems to ensure food is sustainably grown for their environments. Students’ valuable exposure and hands-on experience in energy and food sovereignty can then be shared to benefit Tribes. 


A Program Structured for Engagement  

This prize is intended to build the capacity of TCU students to use clean energy to grow food self-sufficiently with sources on Tribal lands. One student team from each of the 35 TCUs is eligible to apply and will be recognized for their work.  


The first phase of the prize will award up to 30 winners from the 35 eligible TCUs. Each winning Phase 1 team will receive a $40,000 cash award and is encouraged to leverage part of Phase 1 funding to offset travel costs to an in-person event hosted by the Office of Indian Energy in November 2025. All applicants are expected to have at least three student team members and one faculty member attend the event.


More Than $4 Million in Incentives  

The Energy and Food Sovereignty Nexus Prize consists of three phases in which student teams will assemble, plan, construct, and showcase their projects to earn funding that will go directly to their TCU. In addition to the cash prizes outlined below, teams will have access to Power Connectors—organizations that can provide complimentary support and guidance throughout the prize—as teams plan and construct their projects. 


The Three Phases


Phase 1: Teaming  

Up to 30 winners | $40,000 cash prize to each winning TCU: includes funds for expected travel to the 2025 Indian Energy Program Review in Denver  

Build a team and summarize your project.   


Phase 2A: Planning and Permitting 

Up to 20 winners | $75,000 cash prize to each winning TCU 

Create a detailed project plan.  


Phase 2B: Construction 

Up to 20 winners | $60,000 cash prize to each winning TCU 

Construct your project. 


Phase 3: Presentations and Awards 

First place: $75,000 | Second place: $50,000 | Third place: $35,000 | Up to 4 Honorable Mention prizes: $10,000 each 

Attend and speak at the 2025 Indian Energy Program Review.  

Start Forming Your Team Now!

Follow this prize by clicking the “Follow” button at the top right of this page to receive updates and start forming your team today.  


Stay tuned for the official prize launch and publication of Phase 1 rules in fall 2024.  

To receive updates on the Energy and Food Sovereignty Nexus Prize, please follow the HeroX channel. If you have any questions, please follow the HeroX channel or message us directly at 


Challenge Updates

Reminder: Webinar Tomorrow, Oct. 15

Oct. 14, 2024, 8:40 a.m. PDT by Stacey Baxter


Don’t forget to join tomorrow’s informational webinar for the Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) Energy and Food Sovereignty Nexus Prize. The webinar takes place at 3 p.m. ET and will give an overview of the prize, including walking through the application process. Prize administrators will also be available to answer any questions you may have.  

The TCU Energy and Nexus Prize is exclusive to students and faculty from the 35 eligible TCUs. Its aim is to develop student-led demonstration projects, such as greenhouses and solar arrays, that educate students on clean energy and food sovereignty on TCU campuses. Submission deadline is Dec. 4 at 5 p.m. ET.  

Here’s a recap of what to do:  

  • Follow the competition on HeroX by clicking the Follow button at the top right corner of this page to get notified of updates to this prize. 
  • Sign up for the informational webinar and attend tomorrow to get an overview of the prize and ask questions. 
  • Read the Official Rules to get a good understanding of the prize in more detail. 

See you at the webinar tomorrow! 

Informational Webinar Next Week

Oct. 9, 2024, 6:33 a.m. PDT by Stacey Baxter

Are you ready to learn more about the Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) Energy and Food Sovereignty Nexus Prize? Join the informational webinar on Oct. 15 at 3 p.m. ET

This student-led, faculty-supported prize will help teams from TCUs create renewable energy projects, such as solar panels or greenhouses, that support growing crops on TCU campuses.  

In this webinar, prize administrators will give an overview of the prize, including what to submit:  

  • Online video: Post a quick, fun video that introduces your team, TCU, and project. 
  • Cover page: List basic information about your project, including team members, TCU name and address, and confirmation of intent to participate in the 2025 Office of Indian Energy Annual Program Review.   
  • Narrative: Write a paper based on the prompts in the Official Rules. Paper should be less than 2,500 words (roughly 5 pages) and may contain up to 5 images or graphics.  
  • Summary PowerPoint slide: Make a simple, one-slide submission summary that introduces your team and mission.  
  • Letter of commitment from TCU: Provide a signed letter from your TCU that confirms the TCU’s full support for your project on their campus. 

Prize administrators will cover these elements, as well as eligibility, key dates, goals, and more during the webinar. In addition, you’ll be able to ask any questions you may have in the open Q&A session. See the Official Rules for more information and come prepared with any questions.  

Register for the Oct. 15 webinar today to secure your spot! 

Register Now for an Informational Webinar

Oct. 4, 2024, 8:33 a.m. PDT by Stacey Baxter


If you’re interested in competing in the Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) Energy and Food Sovereignty Nexus Prize, sign up for the informational webinar taking place on Wednesday, Oct. 15, at 3 p.m. ET. In this webinar, prize administrators will cover an overview of the prize including:  

  • Eligibility  
  • Prize rules 
  • Goals 
  • Submission requirements 
  • Key dates and timeline 
  • Tips and tricks 

Note on eligibility: This prize is exclusively open to students and faculty at the 35 U.S.-based TCUs. We encourage TCU students and faculty to attend the webinar! 

Can’t make it to the Oct. 15 webinar? No worries—the webinar will be recorded and shared here shortly after the event. Follow the competition on HeroX to get notified of updates to this prize, including when the recording is available. Click the Follow button at the top right corner of this page.  

Register for the Oct. 15 webinar now

Open for Submissions: TCU Energy and Food Sovereignty Nexus Prize

Sept. 26, 2024, 1:31 p.m. PDT by Stacey Baxter

Welcome to the TCU Energy and Food Sovereignty Nexus Prize! This $4.1 million prize is now open, exclusively for students and faculty from the 35 eligible U.S.-based Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs).  

Participation in this prize will provide funding for TCUs, increase the use of renewable energy on Tribal lands, help TCUs grow food, and foster leadership and collaboration amongst students.  

In this prize, student-led, faculty-supported teams will use renewable energy to support Tribal food sovereignty initiatives on Tribal College and University campuses. These projects may include but are not limited to:    

  • Greenhouses heated or cooled by geothermal (ground-source) energy   
  • Greenhouses powered by wind or solar  
  • Solar arrays that provide shade for crops to grow or livestock to graze. 

As students and faculty advance through three phases of the prize, they will form teams and create a plan, complete all permitting and pre-work, build their project, and demonstrate their learnings: 

TCU students and faculty: you’re invited and encouraged to apply by the Dec. 4 deadline! 

Why participate 

  • Gain valuable exposure and hands-on experience at the intersection of clean energy and food sovereignty 
  • Be part of bringing a clean energy project to your TCU 
  • Share learnings with other Tribes and leaders 
  • Earn up to $250,000 for your TCU 
  • Travel to and attend Office of Indian Energy event in Denver with expenses covered. 


This is an exclusive prize open to the 35 U.S.-based TCUs. Funding will go to the TCU itself. Projects are student-led and can be supported by faculty advisors. One team per TCU is eligible to apply, and proposed projects must be located on TCU campuses. 

What’s Next 

Here are the next steps for TCU students and faculty:  

  • Follow this HeroX page by clicking the Follow button in the top right corner to receive notifications about this prize. 
  • Sign up for the Informational Webinar, taking place Oct. 15 at 3 p.m. ET, to learn what to include in your application, how to submit it on the HeroX prize platform, and more. 
  • Read the Official Rules to learn more about the prize. 

We look forward to seeing you at the Oct. 15 Informational Webinar!  

