There has been considerable confusion about what counts towards the page count and what doesn’t for the Phase 2 and Phase 3 submissions. Confusion arises, in part, because the Phase 2 deliverables for Project Development and Design are referred to in parts of the rules as “reports” and other places as “submissions” while there exists content for both definitions in the rules.
Relevant portions of the rules that apply include the first two sub-bullets on page 54 of the rules document, one referring to “Phase 2 submissions” and the other referring to “turbine design and project development reports.” Due to the wording of the rules, both of these statements could be thought to apply for Project Development and Design. As such, the judges will honor both statements FOR THOSE RELEVANT CONTESTS AND MILESTONES. Keep in mind, there is also relevant text in the appropriate portions of Section 3 for each contest. This situation will be clarified and simplified for CWC 26.
For the Project Development Phase 2 deliverable, images can go in the text OR at the end. If they go in the text, they will count against the page count. If they go at the end, they won't. The rules don’t specify an image limit, so judges will accept all the images students provide. Given the confusion, and so as not to hinder teams that had planned for only included against the page count, the judges will be made aware both approaches are acceptable. For the Phase 3 deliverable, only the second sub-bullet applies and images must be included in the text and count against the page limit.
For the Turbine Design Phase 2 deliverable, images can go in the text OR at the end. If they go in the text, they will count against the page count. If they go at the end, they won't. The rules don’t specify an image limit, so judges will accept all the images students provide. Given the confusion, and so as not to hinder teams that had planned for only included against the page count, the judges will be made aware both approaches are acceptable. For the Phase 3 deliverable, only the second sub-bullet applies and images must be included in the text and count against the page limit.
For CCC, the Outreach Strategy Report, only the first sub-bullet of on page 54 applies, which is consistent with the text in stating photos are not included in the page count. So, as a reminder, "images should be placed at the end and don't count against page count.” Section applies for the Final Metrics Report for Phase 3.