The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Energy Education Prize Round 2 Inspire Track aims to advance energy programming opportunities for younger students and energy career connections for historically Black Colleges and Universities. The goal is to inspire HBCU-hosted summer or academic break educational programs that engage K–12 and community college students in energy topics.
The Inspire Track supports the development or expansion of HBCU-hosted energy-focused summer or academic break programs for K-12 and community college students. These programs will help explain basic concepts of different energy technologies and illuminate possible energy educational and career pathways for students.
The Inspire Track is comprised of two phases. For more information on the Inspire Track phases, please read the official rules document.
Phase 1: Competitors will work to develop educational plans for energy-focused summer or academic break programs. Up to 12 winners will each receive a $40,000 cash award and will be eligible to compete in Phase 2.
Phase 2: Phase 1 winners will continue to develop program plans, further implement the programs, and provide initial metrics to showcase program impact. Up to 12 winners will each receive a $10,000 cash award.
Key Dates
Anticipated dates are subject to change. For the final dates, please read the official rules document.
Phase 1—Opens: January 8, 2025
Phase 1—Submission Closes: 5 p.m. ET on February 27, 2025
Phase 1—Winner Announcement: Late March 2025 (anticipated)
Phase 2—Opens: June 2025 (anticipated)
Phase 2—Submission Closes: 5 p.m. ET on August 11, 2025 (anticipated)
Phase 2—Winner Announcement: September 2025 (anticipated)
All HBCUs in the United States and U.S. territories are eligible to apply to one or both tracks. For more details, please read the official rules document.
Please review the official rules for the complete application process and instructions for competing. Follow the challenge page to receive the latest updates. For any questions, please use the contact feature on the HeroX platform or message us directly at .
We’re excited to announce that Round 2 of the HBCU Energy Education Prize Inspire Track is now open! With $600,000 in total funding available across two phases, this prize supports HBCUs in developing STEM education programs that inspire K–12 and community college students to pursue careers in energy.
Check out the official rules document for this round of the prize and register to join us for an informational webinar at 1 p.m. ET on Jan. 28, 2025, to learn more.
Submissions are due on HeroX by 5 p.m. ET on Feb. 27, 2025.