
Southern University at New Orleans (SUNO) SBDMI

This partnership between Southern University at New Orleans (SUNO), Small Business Development and Management Institute (SBDMI), and Entergy New Orleans will accomplish two clean Entergy projects. The first project is to purchase one or two electric vehicles (EVs) and install two charging stations on SUNO's campus. The second project will be to update attic installation in the homes of Pontchartrain Park residents. This project will use SUNO students to research and determine how many households in the Pontchartrain Park subdivision would need and benefit energy-wise from installing or updating their attic installation.
Pontchartrain Park is a 1000-home subdivision located adjacent to the campus of SUNO. It was built for African Americans in the segregated South between 1955 and 1961. This subdivision was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2020. According to the 2020-2022 census, People living at or above poverty in this subdivision are 89.8% to 81.7%. This neighborhood suffered catastrophic flooding from the levee failures after Hurricane Katrina. Still, residents' tireless efforts restored many of the homes, and the neighborhood continues to attract new families today.
Hurricane Katrina was in 2005, and many renovated homes need energy updating. Attic installation is the most needed, as it would benefit the older or retired residents with a fixed income.