During Phase III, the InDEEP finalists have been hard at work developing their DEEC-Tec concepts in advance of the final event in March. Today, we’re spotlighting finalist PECWEC from Storrs, Connecticut.
This team from the University of Connecticut is advancing wave energy harvesting through the Piezoelectrochemical Wave Energy Converter (PECWEC). This solution is designed to transform the mechanical energy of ocean waves into electrochemical energy.
The PECWEC project aims to address the limitations of traditional mechanical energy harvesters in capturing energy from low-frequency ocean waves. PEC materials, which convert energy through volume changes induced by electrochemical reactions, are better fit for low-frequency applications. This technology has enabled the team to develop an efficient energy harvesting technique that is suitable for the dynamic and environment of ocean waves.
Team PECWEC will join the other finalists at the InDEEP Final Forum in March for the culmination of the InDEEP Prize.