DOE’s Solar Energy Technologies Office today announced the five Stage 2 winners of the Solar Data Bounty Prize. The datasets acquired during this competition will help bridge the gap between available data and ongoing research and development initiatives seeking to improve the accuracy of PV system modeling.

Track A Winners: Medium-sized systems
- Grand Prize Winner: Silicon Ranch Corporation (Nashville, Tennessee)
- Runner-Up: Island Way Technology, LLC (Makawao, Hawaii)
- Runner-Up: Wexus Technologies Inc. (Colusa, California)
Track B Winners: Large-sized systems
- Grand Prize Winner: Southern Power Company (Birmingham, Alabama)
- Runner-Up: Silicon Ranch Corporation (Nashville, Tennessee)
The five winning datasets will now be shared with their respective metadata through NREL’s publicly accessible database, Open Energy Data Initiative (OEDI), so researchers and other solar stakeholders can readily utilize the data for model development, validation, and evaluation. Interested in learning more about this? Register today for an informational webinar on March 13 at 3 p.m. ET to hear more about accessing these newly public datasets.
Thank you to all who applied for this prize!