Have you submitted your photos for the Solar Photo Competition? Submissions are due next Thursday, May 23, by 5 p.m. ET. As a reminder, the judges will score your photos based on four criteria: 

  1. Emotional/Appeal Impact
  2. Composition/Content
  3. Technical Quality
  4. Originality.

Whether you’re a novice with the camera or a seasoned professional, it’s important to keep the following tips in mind when taking your picture-perfect solar photo. 

Tip #1: Take a clear, high-resolution photo of your subject/object from multiple viewpoints. A variety of angles and perspectives will help ensure you have options to choose from.

Tips #2: Ever heard of the “rule of thirds”? This photography guideline recommends placing your subject in either the left or right third of the image to draw the viewer’s eye to the entire composition of the photo, not just the subject.   

Tip #3: Think outside the box! This competition has a range of categories from solar in weather and wildlife to manufacturing and grid integration, so our challenge to you is to capture a unique perspective on something people might see every day. 

Ready to start snapping? Before you submit your photos, don’t forget to review the submission requirements in the Official Rules. All photos must be submitted using this file naming convention: PhotoTitle_LastName_CategoryAbbreviation. Find a full list of the category abbreviations here.

Good luck!