Twelve months. Nine teams. Three contests. Two winners. One shot.
It all comes down to this.
Today, we will find out who is named the Solar Prize Round 4 final winners. The announcements will happen at the Solar Prize Round 4 Go! Demo Day Winner Announcement at 2 p.m. ET.

After a year of competing, two of the Round 4 teams will each earn $500,000 in cash prizes and $75,000 in technical support vouchers for their ingenious idea to change the solar industry. Plus, we’ll talk about how innovators can get involved in the Solar Prize Round 5, which is offering $4.6 million in prizes to double the number of teams.
This is a monumental event for the Solar Prize and the future of solar energy.
See the finale of this exciting entrepreneurial journey. RSVP now and join the Solar Prize Round 4 Go! Demo Day Winner Announcement today at 2 p.m. ET.