
American-Made Challenges


Solar Prize Round 8

The Solar Prize Round 8 offers more than $4.2 million in prizes to entrepreneurial teams moving innovative ideas toward commercialization.
Power Connector Webinar: Do we qualify? How your team can apply to the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Contest
Video Resources

Challenge Overview

The American-Made Solar Prize Round 8 is a multimillion-dollar prize competition designed to energize U.S. solar innovation through a series of contests that accelerate the entrepreneurial process from years to months. Competitors leverage the American-Made Network, our innovation engine of more than 400 organizations, including world-class experts at the U.S. Department of Energy’s 17 national labs, clean tech accelerators, incubators, universities, facilities, and more.

Through the Solar Prize Round 8, teams have the chance to win part of more than $4.2 million in prizes to help them advance in the competition and accelerate the development of their solution toward commercialization.

JEDI Contest: Creating Space for Change

The Solar Prize Round 8 includes an optional additional challenge that focuses on advancing solar in underserved communities. Participants whose solutions advance solar in underserved communities have the chance to be considered for a Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Contest and earn part of the $200,000 bonus cash prize!

Power Up Your Idea

For those who have a great idea but need a boost to take their innovation to the next level, the Solar Prize Round 8 offers the Power Up Contest. This contest is designed to support and advance new and diverse teams that have compelling applications but aren’t selected to advance to the Set! Contest. Up to 10 teams may be selected to split a $100,000 prize pool and participate in the Power Up Program, where they will receive tailored business support. 

This support will help them refine their technology development road map, improve their business plan, and validate their product/market fit.

The Power Up Program ends with the Power Up Pitch Competition where the Power Up teams can compete for a chance to win complimentary passes to an industry conference.

More than $3 Million in Incentives for Innovation

The Ready!, Set!, and Go! Contests fast-track efforts to identify, develop, and test disruptive solutions to solar industry needs for a total of $3 million in cash prizes and $900,000 in vouchers that can be used at national laboratories and other voucher facilities to develop, test, and validate. Each contest has a performance period when participants work to advance their solutions.

The Ready!, Set!, and Go! Contests

  • Ready! Contest
    20 winners / $50,000 cash prize each and optional JEDI Contest prize / Power Up Contest
    Winners are selected after identifying an impactful idea or solution addressing a critical need in the solar industry;
  • Set! Contest
    10 winners / $100,000 cash prize each and optional JEDI Contest prize
    Competitors work to substantially advance their technology solution toward a viable and promising proof of concept.
  • Go! Contest
    2 winners / $500,000 cash prize each and optional JEDI Contest prize
    Up to 10 eligible finalists who submit to the Go! Contest / $90,000 support voucher each
    Competitors work to substantially advance their solution from proof of concept to a refined prototype and find a partner to perform a pilot test of the prototype.

Read the rules for full details on each contest. 

Showcasing Progress

During the competition, competitors in the Set! and Go! Contests participate in live events to discuss and pitch their innovations to a review panel. These events result in the selection of finalists and winners.

  • Set! Virtual Interview Day: The culminating event of the Set! Contest is a virtual interview day, where semifinalist teams answer questions from a panel of expert industry reviewers. 
  • Go! Demo Day: The grand finale of the Solar Prize is a live, in-person pitch event, where finalists present their innovations to a panel of expert industry reviewers, fellow competitors, and a public audience at the RE+ Conference.

Round 8 seeks hardware and software solutions alike. The prize invites anyone, individually or as a team, to transform a conceptual solution into an impactful product and business. 

Connecting You to the Innovation Engine

The American-Made Network provides support to Solar Prize competitors throughout the competition and is comprised of national labs, incubators, investors, facilities, and seasoned industry mentors. The American-Made Network strengthens and scales the critical connections needed to grow new businesses, develop solutions, and sustain American innovation.

Join and connect with network members

Who Can Compete?

Competitors are entrepreneurial individuals or teams legally residing or based in the United States. Competitors can be individuals of one or multiple organizations, students, university faculty members, small business owners, researchers, or anyone with the desire and drive to transform an idea into an impactful solution.

Sign up for updates by “following” the prize at the top of this page. 


Please review the official rules for the complete application process and instructions for competing.

If you want to receive updates on the prize or have any questions, please subscribe by using the follow feature on the HeroX platform or message us directly at .

Looking for assistance with your submission? Contact one of our Power Connectors! 

All of these Power Connectors can answer questions and provide application assistance, make introductions to partners and teammates, and more. For information on the role of the Power Connectors, please refer to the Official Rules: 

  • University of Arizona Center for Innovation - Amanda Buchanan:
  • ADL Ventures - Nicole Jacobsen,
  • IVT - Nannette Stangle-Castor, : IVT is a WOSB with a team of commercialization experts driving interest in and adoption of new technology innovations and businesses. We work across numerous sectors, including energy, to evaluate market potential and fit, positioning businesses for success. Our team of SMEs in engineering, strategy, and communications have supported businesses from launch, through funding, and beyond for the past 20 years. 
  • VentureWell - Sarah Wharmby,

If you are looking for JEDI support, we highly encourage you reach out to our JEDI Power Connector:

  • Encolor Consulting - Rachel Dortin,

The American-Made Solar Prize is a multimillion-dollar prize competition designed to energize U.S. solar innovation through a series of contests that accelerate the entrepreneurial process from years to months. The American-Made Solar Prize is directed and administered by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office. Learn more.


Challenge Timeline

June 14, 2024, 7:57 a.m. PDT
Date Launched
June 14, 2024, 9 a.m. PDT
OpenSauce - San Francisco
Solar Prize will be at OpenSauce,, from June 14th to 16th! Come learn more!
June 16, 2024, 11 p.m. PDT
TechConnect World Innovation Expo - Washington, DC
Solar Prize will be at TechConnect World Innovation Expo,, in Washington, DC from June 17th-18th. Come learn more!
June 17, 2024, 8 a.m. PDT
Ready! Contest Opens!
June 20, 2024, 11 p.m. PDT
MREA Energy Fair - Custer, WI
Solar Prize will be at the Midwest Renewable Energy Association's Energy Fair,, from June 21 to June 22. Come learn more!
June 23, 2024, 11 p.m. PDT
Ready! Contest submission open!
June 28, 2024, 5:48 p.m. PDT
You registered for challenge
July 9, 2024, 11 a.m. PDT
Solar Prize Round 8 Ready! Contest Informational Webinar
Join us for the informational webinar for Solar Prize Round 8. We will go over the Ready! Contest, submission materials, the Power Up Contest, eligibility to compete, and more!

Sign up here:
July 16, 2024, 9 a.m. PDT
Power Connector Webinar: Who wins? Prize evaluation criteria & other federal funding stipulations including SBIR
One of the Power Connectors for Solar Prize Round 8, VentureWell, hosts "Who wins? Prize evaluation criteria & other federal funding stipulations including SBIR".

If you missed it, view here:
Aug. 6, 2024, 2 p.m. PDT
Power Connector Webinar: Need Help? Leveraging Power Connectors for a Strong Application
Join one of the Power Connectors for Solar Prize Round 8, VentureWell, as they host "Need Help?
Leveraging Power Connectors for a Strong Application".

Register with this link:
Aug. 12, 2024, noon PDT
Power Connector Webinar: Operationalizing JEDI: Going Beyond Diverse Hiring to Build Power in Communities
The Power Connectors for Solar Prize Round 8, Encolor, hosted "Operationalizing JEDI: Going Beyond Diverse Hiring to Build Power in Communities".
View the recording here:
Aug. 15, 2024, 10 a.m. PDT
Power Connector Webinar: Solar Prize Round 8 Webinar - Solar Prize Success
Join one of the Power Connectors for Solar Prize Round 8, UACI, as they host "Solar Prize Round 8 Webinar - Solar Prize Success".

Register with this link:
Sept. 6, 2024, 8 a.m. PDT
Power Connector Webinar: Do we qualify? How your team can apply to the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Contest
Join one of the Power Connectors for Solar Prize Round 8, VentureWell, as they host "Do we qualify?
How your team can apply to the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Contest".

Register with this link:
Sept. 7, 2024, 7:04 p.m. PDT
You are here
Sept. 16, 2024, 9 a.m. PDT
Power Connector Office Hours
Looking for quick and complimentary submission support before the Sept. 26 deadline? Join Power Connector Office Hours to get started!

Register here:
Sept. 26, 2024, 2 p.m. PDT
Submission Deadline
Ready! Contest Submission Deadline closes at 5 pm ET. Be sure to press submit before 5 pm!
Sept. 30, 2024, 8 a.m. PDT
Dec. 18, 2024, 8 a.m. PST
Judging Closed
Dec. 19, 2024, 8 a.m. PST
Ready! Contest Winner Announcement
Anticipated Ready! Contest Winner Announcement. Subject to change.
Dec. 19, 2024, 11 p.m. PST
Set! Contest Opens
Anticipated. Subject to change.
March 27, 2025, 2 p.m. PDT
Set! Contest Submission Deadline
Anticipated Deadline. Submissions due at 5 pm ET. Subject to Change.
April 14, 2025, 11 p.m. PDT
Set! Contest Interview Day
All day event for Set! competitors to participate in Interviews with the review panel. Anticipated. Subject to Change.
April 16, 2025, 8 a.m. PDT
Set! Contest Winner Announcement
Anticipated. Subject to change.
April 16, 2025, 11 p.m. PDT
Go! Contest Opens
Anticipated. Subject to Change.
Aug. 21, 2025, 2 p.m. PDT
Go! Contest Submission Deadline.
Submissions due at 5 pm ET. Anticipated. Subject to change.
Sept. 7, 2025, 11 p.m. PDT
Go! Contest Demo Day
In-person Go! Contest Demo Day. Anticipated. Subject to change.
Sept. 8, 2025, 11 p.m. PDT
Go! Contest Winner Announcement
In person. Anticipated. Subject to change.

Challenge Updates

New Solar Prize Video! How the American-Made Solar Prize Works

Sept. 6, 2024, 6:32 a.m. PDT by NREL Prize Moderator

Are you ready to make your impact in the solar industry? Since 2018, the American-Made Solar Prize has awarded nearly $30 million in cash prizes and technical support to help competitors bring their innovative technologies to the solar marketplace. 

Entrepreneurs compete in three phases over the course of one year to advance their idea toward market-readiness. Many competitors have gone on to create their own businesses, making solar more affordable, accessible, and reliable in communities across the United States. 

Check out our latest video to learn more about how the Solar Prize works and how it supports solar startups.

Did you know there’s a list of other Solar Prize video resources on HeroX? See the new Video Resources page for webinar recordings, winner highlights, and advice from Solar Prize alumni.

The Solar Prize is your fast track to entrepreneurship, innovation, and impact. Apply to Round 8 by Sept. 26 to join the next cohort of competitors! 

Get Inspired! Previous Contest Winners Share Their Successes

Sept. 3, 2024, 10:09 a.m. PDT by NREL Prize Moderator

Through the first seven rounds of the Solar Prize, 160 teams have won $22.6 million in contest cash prizes, $6.4 million in technical support vouchers, and $800,000 in bonus cash prizes for the JEDI and Power Up Contests. That means Round 8 competitors have an abundance of winning teams to learn from as you search for inspiration and insider tips for submitting a successful application! 

The two grand prize winners of Round 6, announced in September 2023, demonstrate how both innovative software and hardware solutions can excel in the Solar Prize. Check them out:


  • Solar Prize Round 6 Winner: ReJoule is converting decommissioned electric vehicle batteries into solar storage and deploying it in critical infrastructure. ReJoule was also named the Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Contest winner for their focus on advancing solar in underserved communities. 

And the entrepreneurial process doesn’t stop once we cut the big checks. Check out what other previous winners are up to and see how their work has progressed since competing in the Solar Prize. Round 8 is your opportunity to follow in their footsteps and leverage the Solar Prize to help take your idea to commercialization! 

Visit the American-Made YouTube Channel and HeroX Video Resources page for additional inspiration and educational videos.

What is Commercialization?

Aug. 21, 2024, 11:25 a.m. PDT by NREL Prize Moderator

The Solar Prize aims to accelerate the entrepreneurial process in order to fast-track the introduction of new, innovative solutions to the solar marketplace. To achieve this goal, the prize requires competitors to demonstrate the commercial viability of their innovation. So, what does that mean for you?

Commercialization is the process of turning a research-based idea into a market-ready solution, and Solar Prize competitors must show that their solution can be commercialized and achieve market entry within the next 3 to 5 years. The Ready! Set!, and Go! Contests are designed to help you advance your solar technology through the early phases of the commercialization process:

  • The Ready! Contest supports the research and development phase. Competitors identify an impactful idea or solution addressing a critical need in the solar industry, and that idea has the potential to be in the solar marketplace within 3 to 5 years.
  • The Set! Contest enables competitors to work to advance their technology solution toward a viable and promising proof of concept.
  • The Go! Contest helps competitors substantially advance their solution from proof of concept to a refined prototype and find a partner to perform a pilot test of the prototype.

Later phases of the commercialization process include steps related to testing and optimization; mass production scale-up and manufacturing; regulatory approvals; market analysis and strategy; and launch and distribution. These phases would be completed by teams after the conclusion of the Solar Prize but are still included in the 3-to-5-year commercialization timeline. 

For the purposes of entering the Solar Prize, your submission should demonstrate that your idea can complete the full commercialization process (through launch and distribution) in 3 to 5 years. Still have questions? Reach out to a Power Connector to help you plan for commercialization.

The submission deadline is approaching – remember to apply for Solar Prize Round 8 by Sept. 26!

Leverage the American-Made Network to Amp Up Your Application

Aug. 16, 2024, 7:05 a.m. PDT by NREL Prize Moderator

With more than 475 organizations in the American-Made Network, you should never feel alone while developing your application and competing in the Solar Prize. This robust network is comprised of national labs, incubators, investors, facilities, and seasoned industry mentors who are eager to support competitors like you on your innovation journeys.

The American-Made Network provides resources and builds connections that enhance, accelerate, and amplify competitors’ efforts. While Solar Prize competitors are encouraged to leverage our Power Connectors for complimentary submission support, the larger American-Made Network also includes diverse entities that can provide specific resources, technical insight, business development expertise, product validation, and other support throughout the competition.

Learn more about the American-Made Network and explore organizations ready to partner with you.

Our goal is to link participants with the people, resources, financing, perspectives, and industry expertise necessary for long-term success. In addition to application support, competitors can tap into the growing American-Made Network to gain momentum during the competition and continue developing your innovation beyond the Solar Prize. Join and connect with network members to find the support you need! 

Join the American-Made Team at RE+ 24 in Anaheim, CA

Aug. 12, 2024, 8:46 a.m. PDT by NREL Prize Moderator

Are you attending RE+ this September? This four-day event is the largest renewable energy conference in North America, and the American-Made team will be on site to talk about upcoming prizes and share insights during educational sessions. Come visit our booth to ask questions about the Solar Prize, network with energy industry professionals, and see the live Solar Prize Round 7 finale!

RE+ participants are encouraged to attend Solar Prize Round 7 Go! Demo Day on Sept. 10 to see firsthand what kind of innovations are coming out of this competition. Ten teams will take the stage to pitch their creative solar solutions in front of a live audience! Then, expert reviewers will crown two winning teams who will each receive $500,000 in cash prizes and $75,000 in vouchers. If you’re gearing up to submit your application for Solar Prize Round 8, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to watch competitors in action and experience what it takes to excel in the Solar Prize.

Plus, make sure to check out the other American-Made events at RE+ 24, including: 

  • Tuesday, September 10
    • 1:30–2 p.m., Innovation Stage: How to Get $100,000 to Develop Your Ideas at a National Laboratory
    • 4–6 p.m., Industry Trend Stage: Solar Prize Round 7 Go! Demo Day
  • Wednesday, Sept. 11
    • 9:30–10 a.m., Innovation Stage: Find Your Funding Fairy Godmother
    • 11 a.m.–12 p.m., Innovation Stage: EPIC Pitch Competition
    • 12:30–1:30 p.m., Innovation Stage: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) Awardee Showcase
    • 4–4:30 p.m., Innovation Stage: EPIC Pitch Competition Winner Announcement

We hope to see you there! Learn more about the American-Made program at RE+.

Video Resources