Are you ready to make your impact in the solar industry? Since 2018, the American-Made Solar Prize has awarded nearly $30 million in cash prizes and technical support to help competitors bring their innovative technologies to the solar marketplace. 

Entrepreneurs compete in three phases over the course of one year to advance their idea toward market-readiness. Many competitors have gone on to create their own businesses, making solar more affordable, accessible, and reliable in communities across the United States. 

Check out our latest video to learn more about how the Solar Prize works and how it supports solar startups.

Did you know there’s a list of other Solar Prize video resources on HeroX? See the new Video Resources page for webinar recordings, winner highlights, and advice from Solar Prize alumni.

The Solar Prize is your fast track to entrepreneurship, innovation, and impact. Apply to Round 8 by Sept. 26 to join the next cohort of competitors!