SEG Manufacturing Inc. is committed to the personal and developmental growth of all its employees. Our company not only prepares their new hires to succeed with the company, also continually teaches, develops, and improves current employees’ skills in order to constructively respond to today’s on-going business challenges. Employee training and development is essential in responding to the rapid business changes that occur due to continual economic fluctuations, global economy, enhanced technology, and cultural and demographic factors.
SEG strongly encourages the training and development of employees to aid them in improving their ability to succeed at the current position, and also to prepare them for career advancement. Some training programs are required for all employees, such as anti-harassment and anti-discrimination training, training on anti-bribery, corruption and anti-competitive practices policy, as well as occupational safety training. In addition, SEG encourages employees interested in job-specific training and continuing educational opportunities to research such programs. We believe in developing its people by drawing on the knowledge and experience of its own talented workforce, we also offer programs such as coaching and mentoring.