

PV Manufacturing Supply Chain Engineering Training
short description
Qcells and SEI will collaboratively design and roll out online and in-person training courses for solar PV fundamentals and manufacturing.
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Team Name
Qcells-SEI Training Team
Lead Organization Name
Hanwha Qcells Technologies, Inc.
Short description of planned workforce training initiative
The ambitious expansion in the PV industry presents a significant challenge: a looming scarcity of skilled workers in PV manufacturing. At Qcells, as we rapidly expand our manufacturing capabilities, we are also noticing a significant disparity in the demand and supply of a trained workforce, particularly skilled engineers, for our manufacturing facilities. To address the shortage of PV-specific skilled engineers, Qcells has resorted to hiring recent engineering graduates or experienced engineers from other manufacturing industries, such as carpet and tire industries. These new hires undergo on-the-job training to reach the required skill level—a process that, while necessary, is lengthy and inefficient. To bridge this gap, Qcells has forged a strategic partnership with Solar Energy International (SEI), a globally recognized leader in solar workforce training. Together, Qcells and SEI will develop a comprehensive online and in-person training program aimed at training at least 200 of Qcells’ new hires and incumbent engineers. This program will cover all essential technical aspects of PV manufacturing, including PV fundamentals, advanced manufacturing of ingots, wafers, cells, and modules, module reliability, and manufacturing safety. Trainees will receive internal certification to aid career advancement within Qcells and facilitate their transition into the broader PV manufacturing industry, ultimately addressing the skills gap and contributing to the long-term success of both the company and the industry.
Partner Organization Information
Partner Organization #1 Name (Public)
Solar Energy International (SEI)