Can you help grid operators make the most of distributed solar? Join the Data-Driven Distributed (3D) Solar Visibility Prize Informational Webinar on May 29 to learn more about the prize and get involved. 

This competition focuses on three key areas:

  1. Identifying the best-performing distribution system state estimators (DSSE)
  2. Demonstrating fair and transparent evaluation of DSSE using a publicly available open-source platform
  3. Promoting the adoption of DSSE by end users, such as independent system operators, integrated utilities, and other balancing authorities

Prize organizers of this $175,000 prize will share the prize timeline, goals, awards, and eligibility requirements. Plus, they’ll answer your questions about the prize live, so make sure you join to get your questions answered! 

Help optimize distributed energy resources by joining the 3D Solar Visibility Prize. Register for the webinar today to learn more!