Are you ready to learn more about the Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) Energy and Food Sovereignty Nexus Prize? Join the informational webinar on Oct. 15 at 3 p.m. ET

This student-led, faculty-supported prize will help teams from TCUs create renewable energy projects, such as solar panels or greenhouses, that support growing crops on TCU campuses.  

In this webinar, prize administrators will give an overview of the prize, including what to submit:  

  • Online video: Post a quick, fun video that introduces your team, TCU, and project. 
  • Cover page: List basic information about your project, including team members, TCU name and address, and confirmation of intent to participate in the 2025 Office of Indian Energy Annual Program Review.   
  • Narrative: Write a paper based on the prompts in the Official Rules. Paper should be less than 2,500 words (roughly 5 pages) and may contain up to 5 images or graphics.  
  • Summary PowerPoint slide: Make a simple, one-slide submission summary that introduces your team and mission.  
  • Letter of commitment from TCU: Provide a signed letter from your TCU that confirms the TCU’s full support for your project on their campus. 

Prize administrators will cover these elements, as well as eligibility, key dates, goals, and more during the webinar. In addition, you’ll be able to ask any questions you may have in the open Q&A session. See the Official Rules for more information and come prepared with any questions.  

Register for the Oct. 15 webinar today to secure your spot!