

How to become the Biggest Loser
short description
With an educated team and proper funding, you can identify energy hogs to lower your energy consumption.
Submission Package - Cover Page Content (will be made public)
List basic information about your submission
Team Name
Detroit Public Schools Community District Team
Official LEA Name
Detroit Public Schools Community District
LEA Location
United States, United States
9-Digit Zip Code
Addresses of schools you plan to address

Marion Law Academy - 19411 Cliff Avenue, Detroit MI 48234-3257 

Project Lead (name, contact information)
Tony Antoszewski, Senior Director of Innovation & Sustainability, Support Services Complex, Bldg. C, 1601 Farnsworth, Detroit, MI 48211 / (313) 578-7079
Business Contact (name, contact information)
Detroit Public Schools Community District
Official Team Members

Tony Antoszewski, Senior Director of Innovation & Sustainability, Support Services Complex, Bldg. C, 1601 Farnsworth, Detroit, MI 48211 / (313) 578-7079 /

Charalotte McConnell, Program Supervisor – HVAC, Support Services Complex, Bldg. C, 1601 Farnsworth, Detroit, MI 48211 / (313) 402-0009 /

Carol Dargin, Deputy Executive Director, Facilities, Support Services Complex, Bldg. C,1601 Farnsworth, Detroit, MI 48202 

C. Mike Simmons, Executive Director, Capital and Facilities, Support Services Complex, Bldg. C, 1601 Farnsworth, Detroit, MI 48202

Submission Package - Presentation (to be made public)
Presentation (to be made public)