

We help the suits collaborate with the sneakers.
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At 100%Open, we help organisations create new products and services by connecting them to the best people, ideas and technologies in the world. In a nutshell, we help the suits collaborate with the sneakers. This is open innovation and we believe it’s more efficient, creative and faster than innovating on your own.

100%Open programmes have delivered a minimum 10x return on investment for the following clients: UBS, ICRC, Unilever, Innovate UK, Nissan, Carlsberg, Interface, LEGO, E.ON, P&G, EE, Dstl and EPFL.

100%Open people are a diverse bunch with all the skills needed for successful open innovation. The talents of our network stretch from technology search to crowd facilitation and from service design to business model creation.


Meet David Simoes-Brown, our CEO. 

He's a recovering ad-man and ex-punk rocker, and when he's not creating new open strategies for clients, inventing new open innovation tools or making sure 100%Open is 100% ahead of the curve, he consistently fails to write a book on human emotions. Other so-called hobbies that get little attention are flying remote control planes, restoring old cars and making sourdough. According to our Co-Lab test, David is an 'Explorer' - this means that he is creative, inquisitive, an original thinker, and good at spotting insights. 


What's your Team Collaboration Style? Take the test! 

Curious about what you and your team's collaboration styles are and what that means for you?  Take our Co-Lab test here to figure out what your collaboration strengths are.

Already taken the Co-Lab test? 

We also offer an Open Organisation Test, which will enable you to find out how your company measures up. You’ll see your results immediately and receive a copy by email. 

Open innovation starts with the right mindset – but its success depends on the right skills and tools. From our extensive experience of running projects with organisations around the world, we have identified what makes a company ready for open innovation. 

  • Does it have the right policies, processes and partnership approach?
  • How about its purpose, people or platforms?
  • Do its collaborations have sufficient pace and profitability for all partners to benefit?

Take the Open Organisation Test and find out where you're at! 

Already taken the Open Org test too?

Have a search through our 30-piece toolkit, which covers the whole open innovation journey from setting a strategy for collaboration to implementing mutually beneficial business models. It helps to make the case for open innovation and shows how to co-create or crowdsource relevant ideas, prototype the best ones and construct strong partnerships.

This 'how-to' for open innovation is completely free to download and use, so sign up today to become an instant open innovation expert!


Case Studies


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