

Medical park :)
short description
This revolutionary idea is based on building a park which contains the best medical equipments so I call it medical park.
Unfold your idea into a story connected to a specific situation (max 5000 characters)
Imagine your child gets sick, certainly it is much better to tell him that you are going to park to help him instead of going to he comes with you easiliy. When you arrived you can play in park with your child before you see the doctor.that include a enclosed park and a simple park with trees,benchs to sit and stores, so you'll not getting tired and bored there and childs will love it.the doctors and medical equipments are beside the park and can visit the child at park in cases that doesn't need any special the connection between the doctor and patient easily it's a park in first place but not a simple one!
How can your idea be implemented? Who can be a partner or supplier in realising it?
The doctors should change the way that they visit their patients in some cases(at park) but its easy and possible to do.The costs are almost equal to a simple hospital, but the way that builders build it is different.

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