

The best children's hospital in the world
short description
The hospital will be for kids and help ease the pressure and fears of entering hospital by unfolding into a kids playland
Unfold your idea into a story connected to a specific situation (max 5000 characters)
A child has arrived to the hospital who is being treated for cancer, the child is greater by a playland that leads into the hospital and is met by their favorite superhero or icon which is specified by the parents on the hospital admission form, the icon assists them in finding the room they must attend and is on standby if the kid requires their attention, there will be a massive playground where kids may interact with each other which shows the kids that there are other kids who are also sick and makes them feel more accepted. The hospital will be painted in bright colors and will have a happy feel to it
How can your idea be implemented? Who can be a partner or supplier in realising it?
The idea can be implemented through a few extra staff and a few playgrounds

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