

"Help Me" Headset
short description
A headset with built in microphone/speakers that is highly adaptable to any life support tech, oxygen masks, or headgear.
Unfold your idea into a story connected to a specific situation (max 5000 characters)
Imagine- a headset like no other, with music capabilities and adaptability to any hospital technology. A child is in pain. He thrashes around, causing the microphone to activate. A "help center" somewhere in the hospital answers and hears signs/sounds of distress. The response team is sent out and the child receives care more quickly. The music function is enabled by a nurse, and the headset plays soothing and calming music to settle the child.

Now imagine another child- a girl this time. She is in recovery from an amputation of her left leg. She feels thirsty and has no way to get water. As she is not in severe pain, she touches the side of her headset, which activates the microphone. She asks for a glass of water, and a nurse is dispatched from the help center to retrieve one. The girl gets her water within 5 minutes of asking.

This headset could be revolutionary. Children diagnosed with cancer in the midst of chemotherapy can have music to calm themeselves or distract themselves from their pain and suffering. The headsets could be worn over the gas masks during surgery to calm a frightened child.

And music isn't the only thing these headsets would be able to do. A recording-playback function on the fold-down microphone allows children to hear the sounds of their parent's voices when they feel alone, or a sibling reassuring them "it's going to be okay." The mere thought of the headsets is so beautiful it's hard to think of it as just an idea- it's more of a plan. A plan just waiting to be put into action. A dream about to become a reality. A spark of inspiration to a blazing inferno. The future is on the horizon- we just have to reach out and grasp the ideas of tomorrow.
How can your idea be implemented? Who can be a partner or supplier in realising it?
I would need a company to produce the headsets, and as there is no current prototype, I would also need the funds to create it.

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