World Festival of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb invites you to submit your film for the 32nd edition of the Festival, taking place 6-11 June 2022 in Zagreb.
All short and feature animated films completed after 1 January 2021 are eligible to apply via an online application form.
Festival’s submissions are open to films applying all animation techniques, including combinations with live action and documentary. Films should be completed after 1 January 2021 and should have not been entered for previous editions of the Festival.
Animafest 2022 has six (6) main competition categories and the total prize fund amounts to 10,500 Euro — of which 2,500 Euro are reserved for the Grand Prix award — awarded to both short and feature films.
The list of films selected for the competition and world panorama programs will be announced on the Festival’s official website not later than 1 April 2022. All applicants will be notified regarding the selection results.
Each director whose film is selected for the official festival program will be contacted by the Festival management for hospitality arrangements.
Since its establishment in 1972, Animafest Zagreb and its competitions, retrospectives, presentations, exhibitions, pitching forums lectures, awards, panoramas, workshops and all other additional events have consistently influenced and greatly contributed to their city’s artistic life, as well as promotion of animation art throughout the world
It's free to enter.