


Capture Bears Photo Contest

The competition asks participants to share their best photos showing bears
Voting Closed


Showcase Bears 🐻

Bears are large and mysterious creatures, not only do they wander through the wilderness but also live in our backyards! Take this opportunity to showcase your favorite photos of these furry friends and geet inspired by the submissions from the community.

Capture Bears Photo Contest

Grand Jury Winner

Community Recommended Photographer
WD 4TB Portable External Hard Drive
300 Reward Points

Capture Bears Photo Contest

People's Choice

Community Recommended Photographer
WD 4TB Portable External Hard Drive
300 Reward Points

Capture Bears Photo Contest

🏆 Help Us Find The Winner

Vote for your favorite photos and help us find the winner of this photo contest. The more you vote the better the results.The top photos receiving the most votes from our audience will be viewed by our judges. One winner out of the most voted photos will be selected as the People's Choice Winner.


Here's How It Works

What photos should I share in this contest?

Share your best photos showing bears

When is the last day to participate?

There are 9 weeks left to add photos. You can help us find the next winner, vote on your favorite submissions from January 4th to January 18th

What is the total value of the prize?

The total prize value is $600 plus the bragging rights. Prizes are delivered through Amazon and cash prizes are sent via Paypal.

How many submissions are there in the contest?

There are 1,066 submissions.

What happens with the ownership of the photo I share in the contest?

You always maintain all the rights to your photos. By entering the contest you accept viewbug's terms of use.
