Hello Echovators! Great to see all of you submitting your entries over the last few days! I wanted to let you know that we have added some additional optional fields in the submission form. So, if you have any video files, PowerPoint files, spreadsheets, or any other "supporting" materials you would like to include with your submission, you can do so.

NOTE: If you have already submitted, you can also add videos, images, and links via the Comments section on your Submission. Alternatively, if you have other file types you want to include (PPT, .xls, etc.) you can Edit your existing submission, following these steps:

1. Click on the blue button that shows the name of your individual submission on the main Echovation page (once you are logged in to the platform). Here’s a screenshot from my test account:

Once you click the blue button, you should get to a screen that offers an option to Edit the submission:

Once you click “Return to Editing” you will get a pop-up message asking if you are sure. Clicking Yes will “cancel” your original submission but it is still in the system to be edited & resubmitted:

The next screen you get to will look like this; click the Edit button to continue:


Once you click the Edit button, then you can add any additional files if you like, scroll to the bottom, and click Save Entry:

IMPORTANT!!!! After you click Save Entry, it will return you to the screen shown below. YOU MUST CLICK SUBMIT FINAL ENTRY in order to finalize the re-submission.


Then your edited submission should be complete. Please let me know if you run into any problems while editing or submitting.

Good Luck!

Andie & the Echovation Team