The modules are thought as to serve as excellent learning environments, with all the modern amenities one would expect: access to electricity & the internet insulation, ventilation, compost toilets, inspirational interior and exterior designs and specialized equipment that caters to the module’s respective role.
We organized most of the modules as to comfortably house 12 as well and being able to serve as at least 2-4 other roles in order for the individual Hubs to organize them according to their specific needs.
We have included several images so that our proposal may be better understood by prospective Hub founders.
Overall we have strived to use resources as effectively and as creatively as possible, while simultaneously enjoying the process. That’s what we hope Hub founders feel when they are planing the specifics, gathering community members to decorate the modules, and committing hours upon hours of labor to cutting and shaping metal, wood & plastic.
Our proposal includes:
-all the modifications the container must undergo in a step-by-step list with an attached milestone plan as a visual aid,
-a list for the module-specific materials and equipment each of the modules must feature with cost estimates,
-every team position required (Impact team, volunteer or hired laborer) with wage estimates, as well as their respective responsibilities,
-Several 2D & 3D images to illustrate how the module(s) should look like.
All of the materials that cannot be sourced from waste are estimated at full price, with no donation other than the containers and their transport. All the modules are well equipped, in line with Promise Hub values, capable of housing 12, comfortable and welcoming. They achieve this with an average cost of $2828.5/module in the extremely unlikely event that no donation can be obtained. We estimate that with the right partnerships and the right team a $1500 contribution would be sufficient.