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Space Exploration: Mars Resilience Training #1
short description
Teams must respond to challenges that will require each to maintain a calm demeanor, while exhibiting clear and effective communication.
Your Submission
NOTE: you must submit AT LEAST a link to your storyboard in Mural or an upload of your storyboard as a PDF. You only need to submit one of these versions, but you may submit both if you are uncertain. Please check the Resources Tab for the PDF template, if you choose to follow that route.
Your Storyboard (file)
Storyboard Description
Thor, Punctured EVA Suit

In this simulated scenario, the participants will respond to a puncture in an EVA suit while on the Martian surface. The individuals must expeditiously apply a fast patch to both themselves and their team mate, in a sequence that conforms with specified time frames and procedures. The scenario will also include external stressors that will challenge the participants to maintain a calm demeanor, exhibit clear and effective communication, and adhere to the required procedures. The ultimate objective of this simulation is to foster the development of the participants' crisis management abilities in the context of extraterrestrial activities.

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