

submission voting
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Satellite Recovery
short description
A mission focused on recover a satellite's black box and the usable components spreaded arround.
Your Submission
NOTE: you must submit AT LEAST a link to your storyboard in Mural or an upload of your storyboard as a PDF. You only need to submit one of these versions, but you may submit both if you are uncertain. Please check the Resources Tab for the PDF template, if you choose to follow that route.
Your Storyboard (file)
Storyboard Description
This storyboard is focused on recovering parts from a fallen satellite. A satellite has fallen in the martian surface, and the astronauts need to find where it has fallen (using the drone’s camera), go there, recover the satellite’s black box, and head back to the habitat.
Additionally, the astronauts can also salvage additional parts that are in good shape, or that they think that will be useful. Resources in Mars are limited, so any resource that they can get might be helpful.

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