Tomorrow, Thursday, Jan. 16 at 5 p.m. ET, is the deadline to register for the Solar District Cup Winter/Spring division! In this division, students design and model distributed energy systems that integrate solar photovoltaics for real college campus districts (groups of buildings fed by a common electrical feeder) with financing and solar project development plans. 

Get to know a few Solar District Cup alumni as they talk about how this competition prepared them for jobs in the solar industry:

You must have three students to create a team. You do not have to complete any work to register a team, and there is no cost to register.

To register, follow these steps at

  1. If you are new to HeroX, click the “Solve this Challenge” button at the top of this page: You will receive a confirmation email about HeroX registration, but you are not yet enrolled in the competition. 
  2. Once you are registered for HeroX, click on the “Begin Entry” button at the top of the Solar District Cup main page
  3. Fill out the “Create Submission” form with the best info you have right now—your answers can be general at this time. 
  4. Click “Submit Entry” to complete your registration. 
  5. Here’s how you know you’re registered: You will receive a welcome email from the Solar District Cup organizers signaling that you are officially registered to compete in the Class of 2024-2025.

Please share this opportunity with your network! Reach out to organizers with questions at  and we will reply promptly. 

Thank you, and we hope you’ll cheer on the Solar District Cup student teams at their final competition event in April—more details soon!