Congratulations to the Class of 2023–2024 U.S. Department of Energy Solar District Cup Collegiate Design Competition! On Saturday, April 27, the largest class of competing teams in the Solar District Cup proposed designs to industry judges. On Monday, April 29, the U.S. Department of Energy announced the division winners and Project Pitch Champion in the Solar District Cup's Class of 2023–2024. Seventeen division winners received first-, second-, or third-place, plus three honorable-mentions across six divisions.
The first-place teams from each of the six divisions—Appalachian State University, Boise State University, The Pennsylvania State University, Portland State University, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, and the University of Utah—went on to compete for the title of Project Pitch Champion. Panel of industry judges determined the winner.

U.S. Department of Energy Under Secretary for Science and Innovation, Dr. Geri Richmond, announced that the team from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez is the Solar District Cup Class of 2023-2024 Project Pitch Champion!
Kudos to the Project Pitch Champion team, to the division winners, and to all the teams who submitted project proposals and presented to judges!
Thank you to the Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office for their support of this program, our competition partners, this year’s Solar District Cup judges, the many industry mentors who volunteered their time to engage with this year’s teams, and, of course, the inspirational student competitors and their faculty advisors who brought their passion to this competition. Your enthusiasm makes this competition shine year after year!

Thank you for making this a record year for the competition!
Grads and near-grads, don’t forget to check out the Jobs board in HeroX. For those of you continuing your degree program next year, we hope to see you soon for the Solar District Cup Class of 2024–2025! Stay tuned to HeroX for details.