
Floating Tiny Homes for Home-Less Children

We are solving homelessness by building off the grid Floating Tiny "Homes for the Home-less" Children (FTH) and "Feeding the Hungry" via aquaponics! Focussing on homeless children and USA Veterans first. The 1st goal is to build a 200' for $1,000.00 USD or less. Higher end floating homes will be rented on Airbnb will provide the needed funds to support this charitable effort. "No Margin, No Mission"! With an end goal to provide an educational platform with a state of the art ongoing and ever improving design FTH for the 2. billion homeless people to build there own home with an aquaponic food production system to house and feed themselves. An online open sourced platform will provide access to the cutting edge design, the simple production unit, education modules for children and aquaponics preparing the child for the 21st century. Therapy modules will address any human trauma and dysfunction that goes along with homelessness. Building a sanctuary for children that provides a safe haven of self sufficiency to flourish and survive is a worthy project for the online challenge. A incentivized "Hand up, Not a Handout"! This effort will address all 17 of the United Nations Sustainable Goals: "No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Gender Equality," etc. We the People have a choice "Utopia or Oblivion"!
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