
AgTech Hackathon


AgTech Hackathon Solution Challenge

Explore one of five real world primary industry challenges, enter your solution and you could win $1,000 with AgTech Hackathon.

This challenge is closed

$2,000 NZD

This challenge is closed

Challenge one - Dairy
Challenge two - Horticulture
Challenge three - Water Management
Challenge four - Forestry
Challenge five - Connected Farm


Pivoting around a global pandemic, the fourth annual AgTech Hackathon team is once again seeking ambitious problem solvers to ideate solutions to five Primary Industry challenges - albeit from their bubble. 

Originally planned to be the last weekend of March as an active part of NZ Agrifood Week, the event was postponed due to Covid-19. True to creative and tech roots, the Hackathon is determined to go ahead but with a twist.


Introducing AgTech Hackathon Lite. 


The challenge runs until 28th April, with participants choosing one of our five Primary Industry challenges and entering a viable solution to potentially solve that challenge. One solution from every challenge will be chosen for our judges to choose an overall winner. The winner will receive $1,000 while the other top four will walk away with $250.

Participants are invited to enter as individuals, with friends, or join up with people online from all around Aotearoa to explore the challenges, research, and brainstorm solutions in an ideation process, before finally entering their solution by the deadline. 


As with past AgTech Hackathons, we will be utilising our specialist mentors to support participants with the challenge by listening to ideas, giving feedback, answering any questions and giving sector insight, allowing participants to form a solution.   


Primary Industry challenges: 

Who can enter? 

  • Anyone in New Zealand can enter! You can enter as an individual, with friends, or join up with people online from all around Aotearoa

How Can I Participate? 

Quick Reference links:

  • Create your team here
  • Challenge timeline here

Still Have Questions? 

Start a post in our Forum to join the conversation, find a team, or connect with other innovators. 

To learn more about AgTech Hackathon, visit


Thanks to our partners for their ongoing support.



AgTech Hackathon over all winner receives: $1,000 cash, The Factory’s start up support (3 months) and an Amazon Echo device. 

AgTech Hackathon top four winners receive: $250 each



All entries will be reviewed March 29th – 30th for two stages of judging. Challenge mentors will review all entries and choose a top entry from each challenge to become semi-finalists. The AgTech Hackathon judges will then determine an overall winner based on the judging criteria below. 


How do I present my solution?

Present your solution using the Amazon Web Services ‘working backwards’ method we learned in our LIVE Ideation session. We thought this would be a great skill to learn for the AgTech Hackathon Solution Challenge and future solutions you develop. If you missed it, you’ll see it linked below. 

The ‘working backwards’ method is an in depth process used by Amazon Web Services in real life, your entry does not need to be the exact level of detail explained in the video. Do the best with what you have! Answer the criteria as best as possible and enter your solution before the deadline. You never know what can happen for you from there! 

What do do? 

  • Watch the video here
  • Download the slides here
  • See full entry guidelines here - So you know the criteria your entry needs to meet
  • Ask questions here

Please note, you need to submit a written document and a video. The written document counts for 80% of your score and the video is 20% of your score and you must have a video to be judged. 

Scott mentions a storyboard in the video. In your entry, you will use video to show and/or explain your problem and solution, you do not need a storyboard but can include one if it supports your entry.


Minimum Eligibility

  • Entries are open to people living in New Zealand only
  • All entries must be made in English
  • All submission form fields must be completed
  • Video's are to be no longer than 3 minutes in length - Anything over 3 minutes will not be judged.

All entries that meet these minimum eligibility requirements will then be scored accordingly: Written 80% and video 20% 

WrittenClear description of the problem, how it is solved today20%
WrittenClearly specifies what the problem costs the customer20%
WrittenClearly articulates how the solution solves the problem20%
WrittenClear description of how the customer/end user would use the solution and integrate it into their business/life20%
VideoElevator pitch - clearly and succinctly explain the problem and solution. Must include  founder/team  introduction with short context to their background/experience. 20%

Challenge Updates

How did we do? Let us know in our online survey..

May 4, 2020, 4:36 p.m. PDT by AgTech Hackathon

We had so much fun creating the AgTech Hackathon Solution Challenge and sharing it with you over the past few weeks. 

This is our first ever 100% online event and with the current state of play, we'd like to continue improving how we deliver events online as we will likely do more in the future. 

We would love your feedback! Please complete this 5 minute survey here.

Everyone who completes the survey will go in the draw to win an AgTech Hackathon prize pack. 

Survey closes Friday 8th May.

Winner Announced! Congratulations to...

April 30, 2020, 5:29 p.m. PDT by AgTech Hackathon

With a deft pivot around a global pandemic, the fourth annual AgTech Hackathon successfully completed its first ‘AgTech Hackathon Lite’ - a virtual version of our popular annual event. 

Proving innovation doesn’t quit in the face of a nationwide lockdown, Beta Team - a Manawatu based team, took out the challenge as overall winner with their solution to Zespri International's challenge. The team developed Bugkilla, an all-in-one product which attracts, monitors and eradicates BMSB and provides real-time monitoring and eradication of bug infestations for fruit growers and horticulturists.

Congratulations to Beta Team and thank you to YOU for being involved in our first digital AgTech Hackathon Lite. We hope you enjoyed your experienced and we look forward to continuing work with this community of innovative thinkers. 


Please share this news with your friends, family and networks, we know they would love to hear how you spent some of your lockdown participating in AgTech Hackathon. 

Facebook -

LinkedIn -


AgTech Hackathon Solution Challenge Top Four Finalists announced!

April 29, 2020, 5:03 p.m. PDT by AgTech Hackathon

We're excited to share with you the top four finalists chosen by our challenge mentors. Mentors were impressed with the high caliber of entries and comment you for your hard work.  

Here are the Top Four Finalists

Challenge one - Dairy: FINDA - Connecting consumers to farmers (Waikato team) 
Connecting consumers to farm data, differentiating products and sharing NZ's story. Harnessing the benefits of B2C and simple supply chains. 

Challenge two - Horticulture: Bugkilla - Attracts, Monitors and Eradicates BMSB (Manawatu team)
An all-in-one product which provides real-time monitoring and eradication of bug infestations for fruit growers and horticulturalists. 

Challenge four - Forestry: Geo-Pine: With Pine-Point Accuracy (Waikato) 
A risk-based mapping tool; calculating slash accumulation & risk zoning potential slash pile location to advise contractors on best practice. 

Challenge five - Connected farm: Minimize Leaching Through ultra-Precise Irrigation (Wellington) Minimizing leaching and runoff with ultra-precise irrigation aided by farm sensors and detection of cow urine patches using drone imagery.


Our judges are choosing scoring the top four finalists entries today and we will announce the overall winner tomorrow! 

Good luck to our top four and thank you to everyone who entered. 

Also, a massive thank you to our partners for their support, we could not do this without you!


AgTech Hackathon Solution Challenge has closed. What happens now?!

April 28, 2020, 1:59 p.m. PDT by AgTech Hackathon

Congratulations to the people and teams who entered a solution before the deadline yesterday. We had an awesome amount of quality entries! 

What happens now? 

  • All eligible entries have been sent to Challenge mentors who will decide their challenge finalist ( four total)
  • Four finalist entries will be scored by our judges later this week
  • AgTech Hackathon Solution Challenge winner will be announced Friday 1st May

Good luck to everyone who entered. 


8 hours remaining to enter your solution!

April 27, 2020, 2 p.m. PDT by AgTech Hackathon

If you're still finalising and preparing your entry, you have exactly 8 hours left to complete it!

Here's a Tip: HeroX recommends innovators plan to submit with at least a 3-hour window of time before the true deadline. Last-minute technical problems and unforeseen roadblocks have been the cause of many headaches. Don't let that be you! Try to enter your solution by 2pm today. 

Good luck everybody! 


Overall Winner
Challenge one - Dairy Finalist
Challenge two - Horticulture Finalist
Challenge four - Forestry Finalist
Challenge five - Connected Farm Finalist
Aditya Belgaonkar's team Aditya Belgaonkar's team
1 team member
Looking for members
Antonia Estall's team Antonia Estall's team
2 team members
Looking for members
Katherine Yang.'s team Katherine Yang.'s team
1 team member
Looking for members
Rahat Hasan's team Rahat Hasan's team
4 team members
Looking for members
Beta Team Beta Team
3 team members
Looking for members
Aleta Chowfin's team Aleta Chowfin's team
3 team members
Looking for members
Dave-Anita Lasike's team Dave-Anita Lasike's team
2 team members
Looking for members
6 team members
Looking for members
Tyrel Glass's team Tyrel Glass's team
1 team member
Looking for members
Kazi Talaska's team Kazi Talaska's team
2 team members
Looking for members
No.8 Wire No.8 Wire
3 team members
Looking for members
Jake Johnson's team Jake Johnson's team
1 team member
Looking for members
A.R.E.A  (A Rather Efficient Agricture solutioner) A.R.E.A (A Rather Efficient Agricture solutioner)
3 team members
Looking for members
Challenge one - Dairy
Challenge two - Horticulture
Challenge three - Water Management
Challenge four - Forestry
Challenge five - Connected Farm