From around the world, the HeroX team convened in Kelowna, BC, Canada at beautiful Okanagan Lake. The goal of the staff retreat was to co-create, collaborate, and connect with the focus of the agenda being on strategy. We talked about the importance of strategy with so much ebb and flow in our global economy.
The industry is ever changing how business gets done, with the impact of AI for example, so our strategy sessions helped steer our focus on how we can leverage these exciting times for our benefit as well as the benefit of our customers and community.
For many team members, it was the first time we were able to meet in person and it was really fun to put Zoom faces with real people. One thing was very prevalent; our team is incredibly passionate about the future and success of HeroX and our innovator community.
Some key takeaways from our Retreat:
- We want to get to know our innovator community better so we can ensure we are bringing incredible challenges that they are passionate about.
- We want to encourage more challenge types at HeroX. You’ve got a problem, we’ve got an amazing crowd and solution.
- Data is king - the more data points we have about our business and our innovator community, the more successful we can be.
- Our customer success team is amazing; first class all the way.
- The core values we boast about on our website are not just words that look pretty. We embody them wholeheartedly virtually and in person.
- Donating our time to a local community, the Child Advocacy Center of Kelowna, by creating Superhero boxes from FosterLove was incredibly rewarding.
- Okanagan Lake is astonishingly beautiful and worth a visit.
The HeroX team is grateful for our leader, Kal K. Sahota for bringing us together. With in person hugs, tremendous conversations, and heightened passion, I’d say our 2023 Retreat was a success!