
How Crowdsourcing Is Changing the Clean Tech Landscape

BY LIZ TREADWELL | 1 min read

Crowdsourcing opens up the potential to bring the cause of clean technology and sustainability to the world in a more personal way while providing an avenue for great exposure. Everyone from the average woman or man to a large corporation or military community has found a way to use crowdsourcing to change the clean tech landscape. In this way, the average person can have the chance to contribute to the cause and transform the future of their world.

Crowdsourcing For Innovation

Companies like Facebook and even The US Navy are using crowdsourcing to gather innovative ideas from the community. The people collaborate on ways to get creative and bend ideas to design solutions for energy use and clean technology.

Crowdsourcing Repurposing Technology

Global industry brands IKEA and Philips have teamed up with non-profit The Climate Group to create the competition Earthhack as well as an inventors platform known as Marblar to crowdsource how to repurpose existing technology to greatly reduce CO2 consumption, save water and reduce consumer waste.

Their incentive to the community that participates is a cash prize to the winning ideas. Earthhack makes it possible to people of all backgrounds, nationality or education to participate in the greater good and transform the market and everyday technologies that we use.

Crowdfunding Supports Clean Tech

Sites like Kickstarter, GreenFunder, GreenUnite, NewGenerationEnergy and GoodWorldCreations are a perfect platform for global fundraising. Most of these venues are geared towards socially responsible projects and businesses. Being able to allow the community to support the effort opens up the possibilities for bringing the idea to life while gaining exposure to the cause in a way you could never acquire via traditional means.

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