
In Tough Times, Tech Brings Us Together

It's been said that technology is isolating, but in many cases, it can enhance our ability to connect with others. While reported long-term relationships from online dating in the U.S. are just 5%, more and more people are accepting of it and have used it, according to the Pew Research Center. Astronauts on board the International Space Station are able to stay in touch with home through video calls, as can soldiers in the field or scientists working in isolated environments. And social media is now a catalyst for discussion and at times, offline meetups.

Technology is especially useful in tough times. It can be argued that we are too hooked to our phones to really notice the world around us. By the same token, however, it's an easy way to see when somebody needs a bit of extra help. Think of the number of times a friend of yours has posted about something difficult on Facebook -- and the range of responses of people eager to help. It's an encouraging sign of our times.

There are so many options available to us now when we need help. Online counselling, reputable medical advice through organizations such as the Mayo Clinic, and many other resources are open to us. In the past two decades, organizations have recognized the need to provide easy-to-access information online to lead people straight to a human when they need it the most. And on social media, at its best people can help each other.

Video calling makes it easier than ever to stay in touch. Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A notable recent example was the bombings that took place during the Boston Marathon in 2013. News of the attacks, as is usual for these unfortunate events, spread quickly through social media. News outlets were tweeting at the scene, emergency responders were informing people of road closures and related events, and amid the chaos, a hashtag arose that became part rallying cry, part support group: #BostonStrong.

"For college students in Boston, this empowering moment and simple hashtag of #BostonStrong demonstrated their unity and youthful solidarity throughout the entire course of events surrounding the attacks," wrote the website Our Marathon, an online archive of events related to the attack. "They were united by experiencing such a traumatic event together, and were able to celebrate when the bombers were found and their city was restored."

But the perils of social media were also made clear when early in the investigation, a person was falsely accused of participating in the bombings. While information was easier to obtain in real-time than, say, the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on New York City, there were questions about how useful the information was. In situations such as this, it's usually best to stick to very official sources -- emergency responders and the city, in this case.

While in-person contact is usually best to share experiences, it's awesome that technology lets us find each other on demand. Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Most of us with high-speed Internet connections these days are spoiled, compared to the dial-up options available just 10 or 15 years ago. It used to be if a friend was going through a rough time and you didn't have a phone handy, the only way to speak with them was through an instant messenger of some sort. These days, there are numerous free video services available and you can see the person. You can't hug them, but you can show them you care.

There also are ways to help people who are in financial trouble, through crowdfunding platforms. Sometimes it's galvanizing to offer an extra $10 when you can see how close somebody is to their goal of getting a prosthetic limb or some much needed financial support for a hospital stay. If anything, instead of being isolating, technology can be seen as a way of giving generously.

How will you do that?

Top image: The human connection can even be felt through technology. Credit: Wikimedia Commons

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