
Crowdsourcing for Breakthroughs: Webinar Tomorrow at 9amPT/12pmET

BY MAUREEN MURTHA | 1 min read

Tomorrow, on February 16th, five Incentive prize experts will be sharing their insights and experiences so that you can use crowdsourcing to create breakthroughs for yourself or your company. You can be a part of this magnificence by joining the webinar they'll be presenting in! Just follow this link to sign up.

The Five Panelists will be

  • Nadav Wilf, Chief Possibility Officer of HeroX.
  • Margot Hirsch President, The Smart Tech Challenges Foundation.
  • Kai Kloepfer, A winner from The Smart Tech For Firearms Challenge.
  • Graham Oakes, Founder of Upside Energy and a finalist in NESTA’s Dynamic Demand Challenge.
  • Tris Dyson, the Director of NESTA’s Challenge Prize Centre.

Be there, tomorrow, February 16th, 2016 at 9am PDT.

A little about each panelist:

Nadav has founded multiple successful businesses. For the last two years he has worked with HeroX and various Challenge Sponsors in the ideation of incentive prizes and the pursuit of possibilities!

Margot is the President of The Smart Tech Challenges Foundation. Smart Tech arranges challenges and funding to innovate security and safety solutions in an effort decrease the unauthorized use of firearms.

Kai pioneered biometric security measures integrated into guns while in high school. He won $50,000 through Smart Tech. Kai has over three years experience as an innovator and incentive prize competitor.

Graham and Upside Energy have created ways for people who use less energy to get payed for their conservation by Partnering with National Grid in the UK. He and his team have won multiple awards.

Tris, before helping NESTA with their research and development of incentive prizes, Tris founded Spice, a social enterprise which organized and supported community spaces. He has also spent time collaborating in think tanks with the aim of developing social action.

You might learn a little something (to say the least!)
Whether you’re a manager, a CEO, an Entrepreneur, an innovator, or an activist, Crowdsourcing for Breakthroughs is sure to have some great information that will help you in your field.


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